Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Friday, July 08, 2005

Political Correctness Changes the "Treasonous" to...

..."Protected Free Speech".

The Statement made by George Galloway in response to the terrorist bombings in London is further proof that the idiocy of the Liberal Ideology is not strictly an American phenomenon. Traitors abound on both sides of the pond.

"Let there be no equivocation: the primary responsibility for the bloodshed this morning lies with those who carried out the acts.

"“But it would be utterly crass to ..separate these acts from the political backdrop against which they took place.

"They did not come out of a clear blue sky, any more than those monstrous mosquitoes that struck the twin towers and other buildings in the United States on September 11, 2001."

MP George Galloway
July 8, 2005

Finding sympathy for the Islamofacists rather that those innocents whose lives were taken by these self-same Islamofacists?

Looks like England has at least one Kennedy of their own. My condolences to the British.


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