Pocket Full of Mumbles

What's done is done, and this puppy's done. Visit me over at Pearls & Lodestones

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

"Untitled" ...for now

We are still young
Yet while it's true that
Youth is wasted on the young
We are wise enough to see it
But young enough to know
      There is still time
Perhaps not for all our dreams
But time enough
For the ones that matter
Time enough for the ones that
Rarely see the light of day
The ones we perpetually
Tuck into bed
      "Shhh now, go to sleep little one,
            Your time will come..."

And when that time comes
Will we throw open the windows...
Let our dearests
Drink in the fresh, bright day?
Will we encourage our dearests
To run through the grass
      And play?
Will we sit back
And let our hearts desire
Have its day in the sun?
Or will we
In our wise, age’d youth
Caution prudence
And tuck our dreams
      Safely back in bed?


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