Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Sunday, September 25, 2005

Through a Conservative Lens Darkly...

Where in the Constitution does it say Christians should be seen and not heard? It's okay to be Christian provided you keep your mouth shut? If you become Christian, you lose your precious right to free speech, and the free exercise of Religion? BenT would have us believe that Christianity is somehow flawed-- not on par with the ideologies held by the rest of America.

Cindy Sheehan? She's allowed to spew her ideology.
The Democratic "leadership"? They can spew their ideology.
The Liberal Media? They spew theirs as well.
Muslims, Buddists, Agnostics, Athiests, Human Secularists... Likewise.

Only Christians are told to sit in the corner until they're asked for.

Through the Liberal Lens, Christians are 2nd class citizens. They're accused of Hubris; of believing in our nations God-favored status. Realistically, though, since God has been forced out of the classroom, the courtroom [except when they want you to swear an oath], the public square, to mocking the people and tenets of God in media, why should we expect God to favor this country at all? This nation was undoubtedly favored of God once. But not so now.

There is consequence in action, as well as inaction, and America is suffering quite a few consequences today because of, or lack of it. Though every generation has undoubtedly believed the same, we nonetheless live in dark times.


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