Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Tuesday, September 13, 2005

When Is Responsibility NOT Responsibility?

"I take responsibility for federal failures..." is not the same as "I accept personal responsibility for failure."

Lib Media is crowing over a supposed victory here, but, these so-called masters of the English language, the very liberal soldiers who bandied the word "Nuance" continuously throughout the last presidential election, seems to have missed the subtle nuance in President Bush's acceptance of responsibility... For federal failures.

I'm being fair, here. I'm choosing to believe the media has simply missed the nuance. After all, no one can be at the top of their game at all times, as Katrina has clearly demonstrated.

Update: Bob Schieffer caught the nuance at the start of the CBS evening news. It's unclear, to me at least, whether the point was stressed further into the show; there were promo's to tape, scripts to mark, and mic's to check in preparation for the 6.


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