Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Saturday, October 22, 2005

The White Bomb

Dr. Kamau Kambon, if he truly wishes to exterminate the White Race, should call all black scientists, micro-biologists, and as many other "-ologists" it would take to create a virus that would attack only those who carry the gene (assuming such a one exists) that identifies an individual as White, or "Caucasian." How else will this man exterminate every single white on the face of the planet?

The only problem I see with the solution I've offered is inter-breeding. Since whites have co-mingled with blacks for centuries, how many Blacks would have a recessive "white-gene" mixed in with their genetic code? [assuming such a thing is even possible. I'll defer to SternumDrill on this point] And how many Blacks would die in the process?

There's a lot of idiots out there who want to equate George W. Bush with Hitler. Notice I used the word Idiots. "Doctor" Kamau Kambon's vision surpasses even that of Hitler! Which makes him an idiot of Stupendous proportions. Where Hitler would have killed only Jews, and Genetic Defects... Kambon would kill Billions, including many of his own race. Talk about a Scorched-Earth policy! Kambon is an idiot, and should himself be safely put to pasture. He should not be allowed to breed and spead his diseased philosophy, though I am quite sure it's far too late for that.

Idiocy, and Ignorance, twins from the same blighted womb, are more than simply dangerous, they are among the prime ingredients of every evil that ever perpetrated itself on the world.


Blogger Eric said...

You are, of course, right. This is not an issue of race. This kind of hatred is human, and something we are all subject to.

There are a lot of problems in Africa, not the least of which is poverty. We can give billions each year to alleviate the suffering there, but if we don't change the mind-set, all the money in the world won't change a thing. Though there is one ray of hope where money is concerned...

Africa is a nation rich in natural resources. There is no reason why anyone should live in the conditions in which much of Africa lives. I say this having not seen Africa in 40 years except through television. but what I see is disturbing. If people wish to be free, they can. But they have to earnestly want it, and we need to be earnest in our desire to lend as much a hand as is required in aid.

If enough money is spent, and spent wisely on the individual, perhaps we can change a few hearts that may, in time, change and reshape a continent. People who aren't hungry, thirsty, sick, who are educated, and taught that their lives are worth more than mere toil and struggle, can never be put down, or silenced. And they cannot be ruled by despots.

Thank you for your insightful comments.

October 23, 2005 7:14 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

Interesting Site as well, thanks for the link.

October 23, 2005 7:25 PM  
Blogger Al-Ozarka said...

Personally, guys, I'm for the liberty of all peoples of all continents!

October 24, 2005 10:51 AM  
Blogger Eric said...

Good Answer!

October 24, 2005 11:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's kind of tangential, but you're right about the white gene (or lack thereof). Since humans evolved in Africa, that is where the greatest genetic diversity exists to this day. European populations split off from the ancestral African populations more recently, probably from a small-ish founder population with a subset of the genetic diversity that the ancestral African population had. Europeans have also had much smaller population sizes over the millenia. The younger age of European populations means they've had less time for mutations to accumulate and create meaningful genetic differences. They have also had smaller populations to generate those mutations, and the chances of alleles (unique copies of genes) going extinct are higher in small populations. Europeans are thus less genetically diverse (more inbred, if you will, with no negative connotation intended).

(This is all an oversimplification, but it will have to do... my husband is nagging me to stop spending so much time on the internet).

So if you pick two random Africans and a random European, the European will often be more similar genetically to each of the Africans than the two Africans will be to each other. Interesting, huh?

There's some really interesting stuff on human evolution in an interview with the head of the Human Origins at The U.K. Natural History Museum, here: http://www.fathom.com/feature/190159/ It's all pertinent to this discussion, because it puts human genetic diversity patterns in perspective- we are all quite similar to each other, really.

Yes, you are correct that there has been gene flow between white and black populations, and I might add that that's been going since for tens of thousands of years, before they were even distinct populations, mucking up any genetic signal from the founder effects that I mentioned above.

Really, just more reasons to be suspicious of conventional ways of viewing race.

So, long story short, if he really wants to kill whites, it's going to be hard. Any agent manufactured to kill whites would also kill tens of millions of blacks.

October 24, 2005 2:04 PM  

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