Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Another Voice of Reason ...

... in a Democratic Wilderness.

This from Neal Boortz, always outspoken.


Unless you've been hiding under your bed, you know that Democrats have stepped up their campaign to convince the American people that over two thousand young men and women of the American armed forces died in Iraq for one reason and for one reason only, Bush lied. The problem with this "Bush lied" charge is that Democrats know full well that it simply is not true. The issue for Democrats though is not whether or not the charge is true, but whether or not they can convince the American people that it is true. For politicians ... and I'm referring to politicians on both sides of the aisle ... the truth is whatever you can convince the people that it is. The problem with this particular attempt to create a new truth is that it is undermining our war on terror and endangering the men and women serving in Afghanistan and Iraq...

Continued Here at Boortz.com/nuze

Personal Note:

It is not the job of the United States Congress to prosecute War; that is the job of the United States President. Congress merely sanctions-- or not --via a "declaration" of war, and then funds-- or not --the effort, but it is not the decision of the Congress to go to War. That is the President's alone. Again, Congress can choose not to fund the effort, but realistically, they run several risks doing this.

Yet Congressmen and Senators today have hit upon the idea that they would somehow make better generals than those Generals produced by our Armed Forces-- the worlds most capable Military today --and this notion is quite frankly, baffling to me. Do we really want men and women whose only thought every few years is reelection, to be in charge of prosecuting a war? What happens if a constituency, having lost 200 or more soldiers decides their loss in the war is no longer worth the stated goal of the war effort? Does the Politician acquiesce to their demands out of fear he may lose his upcoming election, or does he tell his constituents this war is worth every life lost if it protects their childrens future? Realistically, the Politician bows to fear, and begins to voice his dissent in Congress or in the Senate, and making a name for him or herself in the Left-Leaning Media.

Presidents, especially second-term Presidents, are free of this fear. They will never run for another public office, and therefore the only fear they are subject to is that of Legacy: How will their term(s) in office be perceived by future generations? Politicians too must worry about Legacy, but it's far easier for Politicians to scoot around this fear, especially if they are Democrat, as they pretty much own all major media outlets, with the exception of FOX.

As the Media willingly protects Democrats from criticism they make themselves culpable for the injuries inflicted on this nation, its people, its morale, its public image, and its well-being. The Media destroyed any hope of winning Vietnam-- Thank You Mister Cronkite! They helped destroy a sitting President. They coddled the inept Carter, until it could no longer be denied that he was Unfit for command. The Media swooned and revelled in orgasmic joy on an almost daily basis during Clinton's 2 terms, willing to forgive adultery, proven lies, and Perjury before a Federal Grand Jury.

What we are left with is a sychophantic mouthpiece that daily Gushes with praise at every democratic senator and congressman, taking every word that comes from their lips as graven in stone-- scribed by God Himself, and delivered down from the sacred heights of Mt. Olympus where the Erudite dwell and debate the well-being of all Americans.

But give us a war that is not only necessary, but unconventional in that no border can be ascribed as belonging to the enemy, who wears no uniform, belongs to no nation but the Nation of Islam, and suddenly it is the President who is guilty of perjury. Not Democrats. Here is a President almost universally maligned as an unlearned, ignorant buffoon who somehow cajoled and pulled the wool over every single wise and learn`ed Democratic eye. He is also a usurper to the throne, having won his high office by stealing an election.... But only a fool would buy it; Democrats are far more intelligent that Republicans. And that's exactly what the Media thinks of the average American; we are fools, and don't know what to believe. Only they are capable of sailing the treacherous waters of Truth, and we are expected to bow to their mastery, their skill and every word they utter.

Don't be a fool! The Media and the Democratic Left want to see the President fall. They actively seek his demise. They want him publicly embarrassed and flogged by public opinion not just in this country but around the world. If this is not treason, especially in light of their own culpability, I don't know what is. How do these desires support the war effort? How do these desires support our military? How do these desires say anything other than "We want America to lose this war. We are willing to sacrifice not only the 3000 lives lost at GroundZero, but 2000+ more"? Democrats and the Media are actually willing to see America fail, if they can get even with George W. Bush. This is as true a definition of "TREASON" as any I've heard. They are traitors, pure and simple. Nothing more, nothing less.

Don't be a fool! Learn to think for yourself! Not as a Republican, not as a Democrat, not as a Christian, not as an Athiest. Learn to reason the truth for yourself! There is a revolution going on in this country right now. Does anyone out there see it? The Media does, the Democrats do, and they're scared to death of what the outcome may hold for their futures. This New Media; the Blogosphere, the availability of opinion and information available to the average person today is astonishing! The Old Guard no longer holds a monopoly on the minds of the people. Politicians can no longer guarantee the things they say will be accepted as gospel. So they try to frighten and create a sense of awe and wonder in what remains of their constituency. To revisit the hackneyed analogy,

"Pay no attention to the man behind the screen! I am the Great and Powerful Oz!!!"

There comes a time in every person's life, when we must choose what to believe. And there are only two choices; you either choose truth, or you choose a lie. Sooner or later you too will have to make that decision, and you have to take care in that decision, for you will surely have to live with the consequences.


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