Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Stormy Sea of Democratic Decision Making

It would seem Democrats just can't make up their minds. Vehemently against the war... No, strike that... Vehemently against the President. But today, Democrats seem to be back-pedaling. At least Kerry is, but then, he never could make up his mind about anything; voting for a war before voting against it... Claiming Saddam was a threat before claiming he was no threat at all. Claiming the President was doing the right thing by ousting Saddam before calling the president a liar.

Even Ms. Couric kept quiet while the Master Bloviator Mr. O'Reilly railed against the sleeping masses who can't seem to see the importance of winning in Iraq... "this is a war, this is WWIII. Everyone watching today: this is WWIII!"-- A bit melodramatic, but certainly a valid argument. The problem with the media however-- and to a lesser degree, Democratic politicians --is their complete investment in America losing the war. They have so harped on America's lack of progress in Iraq (a flat out lie) over the last 2 years, that any attempt to move toward America succeeding would paint them as idiots. Or at the very least, blind to reality, neither of which is a desireable position to find oneself in. But it's true: The press deliberately mischaracterizes the American 'successes' in Iraq. Rather than giving credit for successes, they focus only on death, body counts, and car/homicide bomb(er)s. Nothing about schools, infrastructure, political successes.

This is how they expect to win their own war; the war to discredit and pull down an American President they view as illegitimate. Didn't you know?!? Bush lost to Al Gore in 2000! Yep, he stole the election! Nevermind the fact that it was Al Gore who tried to steal the election.

It would seem Democrats can't win unless America loses. And interestingly enough they recognize their dilemma. Their only hope is to somehow pilot that wreck they're on to some safe harbor. Will it be a proud victorious American Port? Or a weakened demoralized American Port? It's too early yet to tell; their compass is sure-nuff busted, so which port they eventually make, still remains to be seen.


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