Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Hey France, Leave Iraq or We'll Kill the Hostage!

Just one problem... France has no military presence in Iraq. What we're these idiots thinking?


Intercepted cell phone conversation -- somewhere in Baghdad...

Abdel, Aziz here...


I am bored Abdel. Let's do something.

I could get my cousin Hammeed's car and we could cruise for honeys.


I could get my cousin Hammeed's car and we could look for a demonstration.


I know, get your rifle, and I'll get my cousin Hammeed's car and we'll kidnap a foreigner. We could get on television!

Do we have to feed him?


Where would we put him?

We'll take him back to my cousin Hammeed's house and keep him in the basement. Oh! See if you can get your brothers video camera!


On a more serious note, let's hope they realize their mistake and release the Frenchman. France may not have supported the U.S.'s decision to topple Saddam, but that doesn't mean this man deserves what he's gotten.


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