Belated Halloween Photos
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Welcome to BenT's huanted cemetery in daylight-- Night-time pics will arrive tomorrow. BenT spent almost a thousand dollars building a faux wrought-iron fence, consisting of somewhere in the neighborhood of 175 iron finials, an equal number of PVC pipe, wood for the horizontal pieces and paint. BenT even went so far as to build frames that fit over the windows to give the impression that the windows themselves have been boarded up. Nice touch, that.
One of the centerpieces of this 'haunt' was this guy, made from molded foam and a skeletal frame of pvc, all attached to a spring loaded mechanism that when released springs upward to scare the kiddies.

And last but not least here's the host of the whole show, Mr. BenT himself, minus eyebrows.

And last but not least here's the host of the whole show, Mr. BenT himself, minus eyebrows.
Determined fella!
Really well done, BenT!
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