Diagnosis: Cultural Marxism
"There is something seriously wrong with America. Anyone who says otherwise is either lying or has his head in the sand."
I'm choosing to get that out in the open at the outset. This is not only a reasonable argument, it is evidentially true. It also, by necessity and personal design, conveys the tone my comments in defense of what follows will ultimately take. I'm stating at the outset that if you disagree with the above statement, then my response is that you are either a liar to say otherwise or dangerously deluded. And to my mind, I can't decide which is worse. So here goes...
I don't have time to post as often as I'd like, and quite frankly I'd like less than half of what I did if I did. Point is, I could churn out tripe all day long... but not beef wellington. Like most people I derive much of what I post about from the lips and minds of others; the ultimate gestalt-meme-- everything is built upon successive layers of idea and concept. Most of the time it's something I hear someone else say that sets my mind to wandering [where it will go-o-oh], but other times it's what I find in the writings of others.
Same thing here. So last week I'm browsing the net and end up at WorldNetDaily, which I know, to some of you at least, is the equivalent of the back of a cereal box for all the "accuracy" any story posted there will have. I, of course disagree. Mostly because I feel the same way about The New York Times and the Washington Post. But there it is, and, to make a long story short, I came across several articles that attracted my attention. And upon finishing the last, I was struck by how they all pointed to one conclusion: This nations values have been the object of intense, yet clandestine assault since shortly after the turn of last century, and the main party carrying that torch today is Liberal Theology-- which is synonymous with Liberal Policy and Politics. Namely, today's Democratic Party, the halls of Academia, and News and Entertainment media.
For a brief history lesson on the last century, in terms of the root cause of the ideological and cultural 'bait and switch' the enemies of America have managed, I direct you to "Who Stole Our Culture?" It's not an overly long read but it is essential to my point. That being, Cultural Marxism is responsible for much of this nations current political climate and its new emerging theology. This nation is becoming increasingly hostile to Christianity, pointing to the 1st Amendment for justification, while supplanting it with another religion devoid of most of the outwardly visible hallmarks of typical religion. Where the typical seeks to define and know God, this new religion seeks to define Politics AS god, and its only true form of worship.
America's not in any real danger, though... right? Socialism could never take root in the land of the free and home of the brave, right? Well, I've said it time and again in several posts: "The only way to kill an idea is to replace it with another." And America is the biggest idea, in terms of its political structure and the vision outlined in her Constitution, the world has ever seen. Many millions of people want to BE American, but many also want to destroy her. Not just from without, but from within as well.
From the article:
America's traditional culture, which had grown up over generations from our Western, Judeo-Christian roots, was swept aside by an ideology. We know that ideology best as "political correctness" or "multi-culturalism." It really is cultural Marxism, Marxism translated from economic into cultural terms in an effort that goes back not to the 1960s, but to World War I. Incredible as it may seem, just as the old economic Marxism of the Soviet Union has faded away, a new cultural Marxism has become the ruling ideology of America's elites. The No. 1 goal of that cultural Marxism, since its creation, has been the destruction of Western culture and the Christian religion.
So how would they go about that? One of the main components of "Cultural Terrorism" is the institution of Sex Education in the schools to break down traditional sexual morality within society. This has been achieved. And through this, the tearing down of our traditional Christian faith here in America. The faith that made this nation what it was... and is no more.
Another component is the use of Psychology:
...the key to destroying Western culture was to cross Marx with Freud. They argued that just as workers were oppressed under capitalism, so under Western culture, everyone lived in a constant state of psychological repression. "Liberating" everyone from that repression became one of cultural Marxism's main goals. Even more important, they realized that psychology offered them a far more powerful tool than philosophy for destroying Western culture: psychological conditioning.
Today, when Hollywood's cultural Marxists want to "normalize" something like homosexuality (thus "liberating" us from "repression"), they put on television show after television show where the only normal-seeming white male is a homosexual. That is how psychological conditioning works; people absorb the lessons the cultural Marxists want them to learn without even knowing they are being taught.
This too has been achieved, and the technique is still being used. Just look at the whole Global Warming debate! Look at Media's successful campaign against our War on Radical Islam. Look at their war on our President! Repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it as truth.
Other techniques: Critical Theory; Manipulation of Predjudice; Domination & Victimization; Media and Entertainment; Political Correctness and Multi-Culturalism... All tools adopted by Liberals today.
The goal of course has been to destroy America and rebuild from the ashes of her burning a socialist state. Many still look back at the McCarthy era and see a deranged man so afraid of Communists he saw one behind every bush and in every doorknob. But McCarthy was right. His tactics may have been harsh and unfair, but Communism in America was very real. IS very real. And the biggest peddler of Communism/Socialism today is the Public School System and Liberal universities.
In "What the Army could teach our teachers", we learn that truth has been the greatest casualty in America's schools and universities. The goal has been to teach as little as possible of what needed to be taught, in favor of social engineering dogma and liberal/socialist propaganda. The biggest losers with LEGAL immigration are the Silcon Valley type industries that can't find enough qualified American professionals to fill all the available positions, while at the same time can't import enough qualified Indian or Asian (or Europeans for that matter) professionals because of our insanely restrictive immigration policies. The poor huddled hungry uneducated masses are being welcomed with open arms, but just try to get in legally with a P.H.d!
Our schools and universities do not self-correct... they perpetuate error and a deepening Cultural Rot.
Illustrating absurdity by being absurd, Ann Coulter has this to say about the ridiculous Bush/Kennedy "Amnesty" plan:
Since Teddy Kennedy's 1965 Immigration Act, more than half of all legal immigrants have been unskilled, non-English-speaking Mexicans. America takes in roughly 1 million legal immigrants each year. Only about 30,000 of them have Ph.D.s. Why on earth would any rational immigration policy discriminate against immigrants with Ph.D.s in favor of unskilled, non-English-speaking immigrants?
The Democrat party fought tooth and nail against freeing the slaves, and a less than "Civil" War ensued. The Democratic Party instituted Jim Crow. The Ku Klux Klan, initially a southern Democratic construct, grew out of a desire to keep the Negro in his place after being set free and after being given the right to vote. Democrats fought against Civil Rights until it was clear it would pass no matter what they did, at which point they co-opted its success as their own. THEY were suddenly the champions of Civil Rights. Coulter adds:
We fought a civil war to force Democrats to give up on slavery 150 years ago. They've become so desperate for servants that now they're importing an underclass to wash their clothes and pick their vegetables. This vast class of unskilled immigrants is the left's new form of slavery.
What do they care if their servants are made citizens eligible to vote and collect government benefits? Aren't the fabulously rich happy in Venezuela? Oops, wrong example. Brazil? No, no, let me try again. Mexico! ... Well, no matter. What could go wrong?
But all this talk of Immigration is likely to be moot in 15 to 20 years. Europe is gaining in power and will soon exert more influence in the world than the U.S.. A very interesting conversation between Jimmy DeYoung of the Prophecy Today Radio Network and Rob Congdon can be heard hear-- Christianity is under attack in Europe as well. Before long the U.S. will likely adopt much of what the U.N. and E.U. already have. We are certainly on our way.
To compete with a European Union that has come into its own (having adopted a Constitution at last, and established a standing army), the U.S. will see joining with Canada and Mexico in a European style union as a necessary step to compete globally. Signs of this are already within the "absolute threshold" of perception. In "Continental currency all the rage" by Jerome Corsi, there is already a call for a single North American currency, dubbed the 'Amero'. For now these calls are coming only from Canada and Mexico. For now. But there is still much work ahead for the proponents of Cultural Marxism.
El Universal reported Gilles Duceppe, the leader of the separatist party Bloc Québécois commented at the October 2006 Calderon-Harper meeting in Ottawa that a unified North American currency might be necessary to compete in a global economy.
And indeed it may. But while a common currency is certainly years if not decades away, the push toward unification is already begun in this country.
A powerful think tank chaired by former Sen. Sam Nunn and guided by trustees including Richard Armitage, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Harold Brown, William Cohen and Henry Kissinger, is in the final stages of preparing a report to the White House and U.S. Congress on the benefits of integrating the U.S., Mexico and Canada into one political, economic and security bloc.
...the controversial "Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007," which would grant millions of illegal aliens the right to stay in the U.S. under certain conditions, contains provisions for the acceleration of the Security and Prosperity Partnership, a plan for North American economic and defense integration with remarkable similarities to the CSIS plan [.pdf].
I know, I know! What does all this have to do with Cultural Marxism? It is the evidence of CM's success in this nation thus far. More evidentiary proof is found in the following article, "ABC News accused of treasonous report"
These days, news agencies reporting the details of government operations against our enemies in time of war is not particularly surprising. The New York Times has repeatedly leaked sensitive information to the world. And they did it knowing full well there would be no repercussions for telling the enemy our every move against them. This President's Justice Department is perhaps the weakest in a generation.
What is new, relatively speaking, is this growing public response to treason by whistleblowers and news outlets... support and applause.
- "I for one appreciate ABC's courage in letting Americans know what the government is up to. It's the present insane U.S. government, not the Iranian, that's a threat to U.S. citizens." (Janet)
- "Thank you, ABC News for keeping the public informed on the idiotic plans the Bush administration has in place to further escalate the conflict in the Middle East. Cheney is trying is hardest to start a war with Iran. The people of the U.S. need to WAKE UP and put an end to this madness. We need more accountability in Washington to prevent another Iraq from destroying the region." (Eric)
- "Hurrah to ABC! Anybody with half a brain is going to know that this info was deliberately leaked by the 'Bushies.' More posturing. More cowboy diplomacy! Thanks ABC for doing the job the press is supposed to be doing and should have been doing in 2001." (Rob Meyer)
ABC's treason is regarded as "Courageous", and a service to the nation because the evil 'Bushies' have sought to pull the wool over everyone's eyes... "Those evil crooked Bushies! Rove! GRRRR!!! Cheney! [making the sign of the 'evil eye'] and that ignorant "Cowboy"!!! God help us all!!!But wait! We forgot [LOL]! We don't believe in God! [sigh...] Silly us."
But this is the end result of Cultural Marxism: An ignorant and thoroughly brainwashed populace. This is what they've been taught by Government education; that the world desires to live in peace, but because of the Evil United States (yet conveniently, these dupes see their Democratic leaders, every bit as much a part of the Evil United States Governmental Machine, as somehow untainted by the corruption that has lowered America's 'Nice-Guy' capital in the eyes and minds of the saintly world) we have drawn the attention of a group of people-- adherents of THE religion of peace --as well as other socialist governments the Marxists in this country greatly desire to emulate. Treason then becomes an acceptable practice if it 'exposes' national secrets that will lower approval ratings and bring about a great revolution of change in this nation.
We watched with great wonder the tearing down of the Berlin Wall, never thinking just one day prior that such a sight was even possible, and now we want to be like our Cold War opponents? It makes no sense.
What was the Marxist Motto?
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need"
--Karl Marx, 1875, Critique of the Gotha Program
How different is this motto from modern Liberal Ideology? Tuesday, Hillary Clinton in as much said, 'it's time to replace an "on your own" society with one based on shared responsibility and prosperity.' It doesn't take individual effort to achieve individual prosperity, no. It takes a village.
There is nothing wrong with a society that seeks to work together for the common good, but there is something seriously wrong with a society that additionally seeks to penalize those who succeed in life, to reward those who have not... especially those who haven't even tried.
This reminds me of a discussion I had with a co-worker a couple years back. According to him, it was fine to extract more taxes from the rich because they could afford it. The concept of "Fairness in Taxation" had no place in this guy's world view. The 'Evil Rich' should pay more in taxes to pay for social programs that would benefit the saintly poor. Even those poor who make a living sucking on the national Welfare Teat, with no desire whatsoever to better themselves. A modern day "Robbing Hoodlum" who sees virtue in theft... virtue in underachievement.
The poor and downtrodden of America are not the same as the poor and downtrodden of 90% of the rest of the World's poor. Much of the poor in this country have at least one television. Many have gaming systems, and stereos. Cell Phones. Many have some form of personal transportation. Most even have jobs, albeit ones that aren't particularly conducive to personal advancement.
But the poor in this country are not held back to the extent that the poor in other countries are. There are opportunities in this country that have no rival anywhere else in the world. Ask yourself why so many immigrants who arrive on these shores penniless, that in short order achieve a measure of success that propels them above the national poverty rate? Are they simply lucky? Or is there something different in the way they think; about themselves, their abilities, their sense of personal pride and self-esteem? How willing were they to sacrifice to not only GET to this nation, but succeed as well? Could it be their work-ethic played a greater than average role in their successes? And what is it about our native poor that set's them apart from the immigrant class? Bad luck alone? Or, to a large degree, poor work ethic and a lack of self-esteem; a poor sense of personal self-worth perpetuated by public education?
Democratic presidential candidates are talking about universal health care, taxing the rich, and subsidizing the slothful and indigent alike, all the while doing nothing to correct the problems that pose more immediate threats to this nation. Democratic policies have contributed greatly to the problems of health care and the growing need for more and more welfare. Democratic policies have largely turned us from being a nation of self-reliant self-starters into a nation of indignant beggars with hands out in righteous expectation.
Record breaking Tax Revenues have been reported in the last several months. Not because the Rich are being more heavily taxed-- because of higher taxes all around, but because of tax DECREASES! Those evil Bush tax cuts!
But again, this is the result of education in America, which in turn is the result of Cultural Marxism. We have raised generations of Americans to be ignorant of common sense and the ability to string more than a single fact together to arrive at complex truths.
- "Separation of Church and State" appears NO WHERE in the Constitution, yet the ignorant, rich and poor alike, treat the concept as the inviolate will of the founders. Nothing could be further from the truth
- Higher Taxes bring in greater revenues that Lower Taxes, when history has shown the exact opposite is true
- Record profits by Big Oil means the Consumer is being fleeced, when in fact complete ignorance of the principles of Economics most Americans display prevents them from grasping the difference between 'profit' and 'profit-margin' or just how much of the price of a gallon of gas is actually profit!
- Muslims radicals would leave us alone if we'd simply leave them alone, when in fact history has shown this to be simply. not. true.
To name just a few.
What then was the ultimate goal of Cultural Marxism? To destroy traditional values in America? Destroy Christianity's influence on American society? What was it the communist's of old said about religion? The opiate of the masses? And how do you kill a idea?
By replacing it with another 'Opiate of the Masses'
Well, we're there. And if we're not committed enough to the ideals that made America great; to stand up and fight what the Left is doing to this nation, we will lose this nation within another generation.
The solution? From "Who Stole Our Culture?":
...secede from the corrupt, dominant culture and create parallel institutions: the homeschooling movement. Similar movements are beginning to offer sound alternatives in other aspects of life, including movements to promote small, often organic family farms and to develop community markets for those farms' products. If Brave New World's motto is "Think globally, act locally," ours should be "Think locally, act locally."
Thus, our strategy for undoing what cultural Marxism has done to America has a certain parallel to its own strategy, as Gramsci laid it out so long ago. Gramsci called for Marxists to undertake a "long march through the institutions." Our counter-strategy would be a long march to create our own institutions. It will not happen quickly, or easily. It will be the work of generations – as was theirs. They were patient, because they knew the "inevitable forces of history" were on their side. Can we not be equally patient, and persevering, knowing that the Maker of history is on ours?
Amen. And amen.
Seriously way too long for a blog, dude.
Cultural Marxism: real. See Herbert Marcuse and followers.
Conflating everything you hate about modern America and cramming it under that label: typical.
Zeroing in on the Democratic Party as the main vehicle for cultural Marxism: eh. I'd say if one is a cultural Marxism proponent, chances are one probably is a Democrat, but could be an independent, or a totally disaffected nonvoter. And, I'd say that if one were a neofascist or a proponent of theocracy, one would have to be a Republican, or an independent, or totally disaffected. I'll take my chances with the Dems.
Comparing the Democratic Party pre-1960s-1970s to the party today: apples and oranges, so rant away.
How utterly ironic that you resort to calling the Right Neofascists on a post that clearly points to the left for fascism in America.
Irony is as irony does, EL.
UH, quite acting like Mark. I didn't call the Right fascist! You just think I did because you call liberals socialist.
Be smart. Read. Think.
Of the the people that run this country. The president, the Vice-President, the Cabinet, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the 535 members of Congress, and the 9 Justices of the Supreme Court only one person is an atheist. If anyone is attacking Christian values its christians.
Maybe later I'll feel like debunking all the wrong facts in your post. My word you must have been writing for a week. If you had posted this in parts we could have a better discussion of your specific claims.
Here's another thought to add: Liberals are championong the "right" of illegal immigrants to become legal without having to go through the legal process. (and Bush is, too) This, they hope, will give the illegal immigrants the right to vote, which in turn will endear the illegals to the Democrats, and they will vote for Democrats. This is the agenda behind the Democrats effort to legitimize illegal immigrants.
It will work, too, unless Conservatives stand against those who advocate amnesty by any name.
The illegals of today are the Democrat voters of tommorrow. The anchor babies will be elgible to vote in less than 20 years from now.
Wow. Brilliant analysis. Not.
If I were a Republican, I would want Bush impeached for wanting to create a new generation of Democratic voters.
Oh, and I agree with Dan. Way too long for a blog post. Should've used the jump thing.
BY the way, EL, have you really just now come across cultural Marxism?
The term and it's origins, yes, but not the effects its had on our society.
I read a lot, but I confess... I don't read fast enough to even make a dent in the Library of Congress.
I got a passing acquaintance with the term in college, many moons ago, but Patrick Buchanan talks about it at fair length in his "Death of the West," which I'm reading. I figgered if ol' Pat brought it up in '02 (when the book came out), it surely would've been bandied about on the rest of the rightward-leanin' landscape sometime since.
I've not read anything Pat Buchanan's written except the rare, and I mean RARE OpEd. He's too much of an isolationist in my estimation.
Ha. Of course -- of course! -- that's what I like about him. He doesn't worship the Free Market and he is a protectionist. He actually puts THIS COUNTRY first, not some naive ideas of liberty for people and nations who aren't ready for it, or the godless market for those ripe to be exploited; and he sees that the idea of mainfest destiny only makes sense, if it ever made sense, when this country actually was culturally Judeo-Christian by clear majority, which it no longer is -- for he sees that THIS COUNTRY will eventually be, hell, is already being, exploited under such a notion. PFB, for all his oddities, is the kind of American-firster I can almost believe in. A real let-the-rest-of-the-world-go-to-hell (rhetorically speaking) Southerner.
i have to "debrief" my child all the time in an attempt to eliminate the cultural marxist brainwashing she receives at school. she has already been told she cannot pray out loud (in first grade for cryin' out loud).
A sad commentary Miss MSU. Thanks for bringing it home.
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