Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Solving America's Oil Crisis...

A report issued on August 31, 2005 by the Rand Corporation pretty much lays to rest any debate about where America should get it's oil. ANWR is attractive, but in might be cheaper to go after what's available here in the better climes of the western United States? Here's the article detailing the high and low points of the study. The major problems with getting to it are primarily the Eco-Nazi's-- affectionately known, in politer circles, as environmentalists. Here's a couple of choice quotes...
The mid-point of the RAND estimate --– 800 billion barrels --– is three times the size of Saudi Arabia's oil reserves. This is enough oil to meet 25 percent of America's current oil demand for the next 400 years.

More than 80 percent of high-grade oil shale resources lie under federal lands within a concentrated geographic area. The key governance issue is the approach that the Department of the Interior will use to allow access to these federal lands.

For the actual Rand study go here.


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