Pocket Full of Mumbles

What's done is done, and this puppy's done. Visit me over at Pearls & Lodestones

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Two Doctors, One Attractive Blonde...

Saw Dr. Turok at 8:05am, which in actuality means 9:15am after all the waiting. Doc says my field of vision in the left eye is improved. He still wanted more tests, and I groaned inwardly... Not another spinal tap!... Instead, I got shipped off to Dr. Warren Thompson, a Retina Specialist, at Retina Associates of Alabama Inc.

The nurse/assistant, at Doc Thompson's, a 39ish blonde-- whose name I cannot now recall --both slim and mui, mui attractive, conducted most of the interviews and tests, always with, a "Hon" or "Sweetie"; Nice touch that. And I've garnered no illusions from her use of endearments. Interesting conversation about the legal status of Marijuana-- Very progressive, and totally unexpected. As hot as she is now, I bet she was a stunner at twenty.

Doc Thompson, a surprisingly young fellow, injected a vegetable dye into my hand to get a clearer look at the blood vessels in the back of my eye, also to see if there was any leakage into my left eye. I had pretty much worried about my vision since February, but the Doc pretty much alleviated all that. The only residual affect of the dye is day-glow-yellow urine that will supposedly last 6 or more hours. I can't believe I had to shell out 40 bucks in co-pays this morning, but then I should be thankful I have fairly decent insurance.

Over all, good news. But I hate having my eyes dilated.


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