Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Sunday, October 23, 2005

Update: Dr. Kambon's Evil Plan

I Spent some time this
morning looking for more
information on the
"Exterminate White People"
remarks made by Mr. Kambon.
His remarks were made before
a Howard University Law
School panel, in Washington DC. As I know BenT likes
coroboration & multiple
sources, I thought I'd offer some.

"White People Should Be Exterminated?"
--by Brit Hume, FoxNews.com

not considered news-worthy enough for a mention at,

not considered news-worthy enough for a mention at,

not considered news-worthy enough for a mention at,

not considered news-worthy enough for a mention at,

And Finally,
At the risk of invalidating my point...

"Professor: Exterminate white people"

The fact that this story didn't make news has, I think, both good and bad points. As to the good, why give this kind of madness a microphone? Really? Why give his words any more credence than C-SPAN has-- though in C-SPAN's defence, their policy is to let the camera roll, and whatever happens, happens... The Eye see's what it see's; it does not lend credence, and neither does C-SPAN. My bad.

As to the bad, it is never a good idea to let something as egregious as Dr. kambon's evil plan go unchallenged. People need to be aware of the kind of hate that festers in the minds of men... the kind of hate that surrounds us all. Furthermore, the fact that I had to go to a White Supremacy website to get the audio clip is telling. If the only people speaking out against this hate-monger are hate-mongers of a differen't stripe-- No, strike that. White Supremists and the like's of Dr. Kambon are cut from the same bolt of cloth, and no better than Hitler himself, or any other genocidal maniac --suffice it to say, it's never a good idea to let evil men control an argument, any argument, or issue.


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