Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Wednesday, November 16, 2005

3 Quotes From...

An Incontinent Congress
by Tony Blankney

"Some [Democratic Senators], probably many, simply want to humiliate President Bush by denying him success -- and then reap the electoral bonanza that will likely follow. I'm sure there are some senators who sincerely believe retreat and defeat is in the best interest of our country. But principled or unprincipled, their objective is the same: Getting out of Iraq is more important to them, than staying and succeeding."

"Oh, that America might see the last of these fish-eyed sacks of loathsome bile and infamy: Unwholesome in their birth; repugnant and stench-forming in their decline."

"Mr. President, don't believe a word of their legislative prose. They have defeat in their hearts, and they mean you ill. Stand and fight with veto pen and executive order in hand. Rally with defiant words those of us who would yet be your honored supporters. Let the long suffering people of Iraq know that you will fight furiously for their redemption, and will be deaf to the impleadings of the weak and defeatist here in America."

Personal Note: How could I possibly add to that?! Except to say, "Amen."


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