Pocket Full of Mumbles

What's done is done, and this puppy's done. Visit me over at Pearls & Lodestones

Saturday, November 19, 2005

"The Democrats who are peddling the Big Lie of 'Bush lied' are doing so either (a) deliberately to injure the cause of the United States and of freedom in the world or, as I think, (b) with reckless disregard of whether they injure the cause of the United States and of freedom in the world. What they are doing may suit their political needs, but it hurts our country."

--Michael Barone


Blogger Kobayashi Maru said...

I observe this firsthand and almost continuously up here in blue-land. My impression is that it's largely the second (disregard). Even worse though is that the libs a) truly and quite blindly believe the lie (i.e., that "Bush lied" and b) truly believe that they are doing the country a huge service by steadfastly pursuing it. Even if the Democratic politicos wanted to back down now, they couldn't, having helped to nourish the dangerous beast of collective delusion. They simply want to keep from being eaten by it. (Q: How do you outrun a bear? A: Outrun the other guy.)

Thanks for stopping by my blog. (Even though I'm in New England, I have family roots in the "low 30's" latitudes.)

November 20, 2005 3:10 PM  

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