Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Saturday, December 03, 2005

3 Quotes From...

"Hit '‘Em Again, Harder"
--By J. Peter Mulhern
   December 3, 2005

"As it happens, the Democrats aren'’t sincere. They aren'’t anywhere in the vicinity of sincerity. When they call for withdrawal from Iraq, as Nancy Pelosi did again in a response to the President'’s speech, they are damaging their country. As the President pointed out, this is obvious. No Democrat has even tried to argue that scheduling a withdrawal would not have the consequences the President outlined. We must conclude that the Democrats know they are working counter to America's interests at the same time they present themselves as patriotic public servants. This is the antithesis of sincerity."

"We can'’t lose in Iraq; the balance of forces favors us overwhelmingly. We can, however, lose the political battle at home. Everything depends on the President'’s ability to fight that battle. If he is going to do that effectively he has to start treating the Democrat Party as the domestic enemy that it is."

"If the President is trying to sweeten his image by avoiding any direct attack on his domestic enemies he is going to be disappointed. His enemies include the entire Democrat establishment (with the sole exception of Senator Lieberman), all the major daily newspapers and all three of the old line television broadcasting networks. Their hatred for him is white hot. They will remain implacably hostile even if he blows them kisses and throws roses at their feet. They will view everything he does and everything he says through the prism of their hostility. He has nothing to lose by telling the truth about them. He might as well be hanged for a sheep as a goat."

Personal Note: What a great read! And it needed to be said. It's a shame no one in the White House is saying this to the President; or if someone is, that President Bush is not listening. It's enough for now that the President has begun to fight back, but it's equally important that he not give his opponents even the hint of the benefit of a doubt. They are all, quite simply, subversives and traitors to the Constitution they swore to defend...

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

The Democratic Party is between a rock and a hard place with this one, and they only have themselves to blame. They have been caught in their own craftiness, and I firmly believe they will pay a hefty price for it in the end. But now is not the time for the President to ease up. If your opponent is struggling to stay on his feet, you don't back off... You close in and finish it.

"Make them pay through the nose for their defeatism, Mr. President. Remember Al Gore sweating and frothing at the mouth as he bellowed that you "“betrayed this country."” Throw it back at them with interest.

Attack until they stop twitching and then attack some more. If this seems unpresidential, the Vice President can do it. But one way or another, it'’s past time for a serious offensive on the home front.

Fortune favors the bold."

Okay, okay... 4 Quotes. So sue me.


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