Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Sunday, January 01, 2006

What Pat Boone Wants to Hear President Bush Tell Liberal Media... "Hear Hear!!!"

"I keep wanting President Bush to look at these irresponsible, insistent hecklers and say something like "Are you writing this for the Post, the Times or Al-Jazeera? It really makes no difference who's paying you to ask these things; they're military secrets, in a real war, and if I were the fool you think I am (or you wouldn't even be embarrassing yourself by asking), anything I tell you will be printed in extremist Islamic papers before the ink is dry on the American special editions! Why don't you turn your hat back around, stick your press pass back in your pocket, go back to the school you came from and enroll in Journalism 101, where you can learn the difference between reporting on what's happened, and trying to influence what will happen?" "

Despite my firm belief that Bush has bigger cajones than six of the last seven Presidents [including those of his Daddy], I'd still love to see him display the titanium-hulled variety the statement above would surely require. It needs to be said, but sadly, it ain't gonna happen.

And before any of you on the Left blow off the commentary because it comes from Pat Boone, allow me to point out the quality of pundits you have on your side, namely, the likes of...

Michael Moore, Al Franken, Cindy Sheehan, Jeanine Garafola, Barbara Streisand, Albert Gore, Jr., Richard Durbin, Robert Byrd, Senator "Dirty" Harry Reid... Lunatics all. And dangerous. These folks don't seem to recognize our country is at war or just how good they have it despite said war.

The great Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt put the entire nation on rations: gas, shoes, meat, butter, sugar, chocolate, silk, metals.... In addition, more than 31,000 people, many of whom were native-born Americans despite their Japanese heritage, were kept in internment camps. In total, some 120,000 people were relocated. To inject a bit of perspective... in the entire course of the war, 10 people were convicted of spying for Japan, all of whom were Caucasian. President Roosevelt apparently felt it prudent to keep all these asian-looking folks in a safe place. And who's to say his policy didn't prevent many more instances of spying? Personally, I don't agree with what Roosevelt did, but my parents were barely ten. I have to rely on history texts and internet searches to give me understanding and context.

But this is the posture of a Wartime President. A President adored by Democrats, in particular-- and rightly so --and by the rest of us not burdened by the label 'Democrat'. Roosevelt was a great President, but despite his greatness he made both good and bad decisions, as do all men [gender neutral], however good.

How many of today's media would scream bloody murder if Bush put America on rations to support the war effort? How many would cry for his impeachment and removal from office if he declared Americans and visitors of middleastern descent interned? The Left reeks of hypocrisy.

Like Mr. Boone, I'd love to see President Bush put them in their place.

"Hear, Hear!"


Blogger Eric said...

Depends on your definition of 'put in their place'. By all accounts they still don't 'get it'.

January 02, 2006 9:45 AM  

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