Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Is it Art? Or is it Something Else?

(AP Photo/Daniel Edwards)

There's no doubt that sculptor Daniel Edwards is talented. I similarly doubt the Greeks themselves would have been anything less than admiring. But the pose...

There's also no doubt as to why the photo was taken from this angle. The pose... it's provocative. The piece is called "Monument to Pro-Life: The Birth of Sean Preston," and I'm left to wonder, do women actually give birth in this position? Why this position? Because it's overtly sexual. Because when I look at this sculture I don't see a woman giving birth.

Oh! And it's Britney Spears... Why would she pose for this? Or did she?

UPDATE: Saturday, April 29, 2006

Tu S. Tin kindly forwarded a link that contained the "other" angle, revealing Britney's crowning glory [pun intended]. Again, to what purpose? Is this really art? Or is it merely an attempt at exploitively rubbing our noses in pornography... disguised as art?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that woman is brittany spears. I wonder why he chose that posistion too...you would have to ask him. maybe it is sexuall but not how you think....and that angle makes me want to see what is on the other side.

April 01, 2006 7:25 AM  
Blogger Eric said...

Really! But even if there's a tiny head protruding from the vagina, the position is not consistent with any birthing method I'm aware of. Then there's the whole bear skin rug thing... This sculpture, as it's presented in the photo, could be construed as catering to freaks* who like sex with pregnant women. In short, it's pornographic.

I don't believe this sculpture was crafted for any other purpose than to be provocative. And in this the "artist" has certainly succeeded.

*Clarification: Freaks
--I'm not suggesting that sex with a pregnant woman should be considered "freaky;" only that there is a whole sub-set of freaks within sexually-deviant circles that exploit this act, and imagery, in magazines and on the internet.

April 01, 2006 2:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well like I said you would have to ask the artist.....maybe he did this to show reproduction , sex, and the human body, woman... whatever is a beautiful and erotic thing.....or maybe he chose brittany to show how something once beautiful has become raunchy and distastfull.... dont be so quick to judge art. the position is strange I guess for the title...but nudity in art is not porographic.
Do you think there is a head coming out of that? still makes me courious....

April 01, 2006 4:57 PM  

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