Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Friday, March 24, 2006

And She Wore a Face Like Murder...

The Lone Ranger points to a story wherein lies this revelation...

"A Chinese cosmetics company has been using skin taken from the bodies of executed convicts to develop beauty products for sale in Europe..."
But the United States of America is no better. Pro-Life organizations in this country have pointed to the same practice here, in our more enlightened culture...

"Fetal tissues obtained through surgical abortion are used in the production of vaccines, cosmetics and in stem cell and other research...."
Did you catch that? Cosmetics. Women are putting the sanitized, and hypo-allergenicized flesh of dead babies on their faces...

Not only do we have blood on our hands, it's on our faces as well.

When did this practice begin? I can't say for certain, but how about this...?

"Ever since President Clinton signed the National Institutes of Health Revitalization Act of 1993, 'fetal-tissue research' has expanded into a federally subsidized multi-million dollar industry of selling human spare parts salvaged from abortions. For example, the NIH budgeted $21 million in fiscal year 1999 for grants and awards for fetal tissue research."
Did Clinton know what level of obscenity to which his signature would reach? I'm willing to be charitable here and say, I doubt it. But his then [and likely "current"] moral state lent to his decision to allow fetal tissue research in the first place. Like China, the idea was "Waste Not, Want Not".

"Opening Lines provides fetal tissue researchers with a "fee for service schedule," which gives prices for each body part. For example, Opening Lines charges $150 for a spinal column; $400 for an intact embryonic cadaver; $75 for the eyeballs of an eight-week-old baby (with a 40 percent discount for a single eye); $150 for two arms or legs; and $100 for the skin of a 12-week-old baby.

"Opening Lines gives credit to President Clinton for opening up the lucrative business in fetal tissue trade. According to Opening Lines, on January 22, 1993, Clinton lifted the moratorium on federal funding. "This action created a great demand for fetal tissue and has made possible the development of treatments for individuals afflicted with serious diseases and disorders," says the sales brochure. " [1]

If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. Abortion is murder. To make a profit from the Murder of innocents is not only obscene, its the personification of Evil.

[1] The big business of baby-part sales

:   I found the article the Lone Ranger was quoting. Or at least it verifies the above quote as to make no difference.


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