Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

"Headlines to the Left of me, Headlines to the Right..."

The difference between the Left-mind and the Right-mind as demonstrated by headlines...

On the Left--
Headlines at the Huffington Post:

George Bush Had Better Be F#*king Right

One man's opinion, and he's welcome to it. It's the headline that's offensive

Madonna: "Go To Texas And Suck George Bush's D***"

"Madonna radically altered her music to attack US President George W Bush during her appearance at California music festival Coachella, yesterday.

The Hung Up singer thrilled fans with a six-song set in the Sahara Dance Tent, and took a cheeky swipe at the US leader by changing her song lyrics.

During an energetic rendition of her song I Love New York, Madonna roared, "Just go to Texas and suck George Bush's d**k." "

Cheeky Swipe!? Is that a pun? Is that how a fawning media views this kind of vulgarity? Cheeky Swipe? OHHHH! I get it! Cheeky swipe... Potty mouth... Filth. Yeah, I get it now.

Gore "Is Running The Best Campaign I've Seen For President"

I don't even know where to start with this one, but how about the first paragraph, wherein-- according to the rules of essaying --the articles premise must be established...

"A movie about Al Gore giving a PowerPoint presentation about global warming doesn’t sound all that exciting, but if you liked "March of the Penguins," you’ll love "An Inconvenient Truth." "
Hmmmm. Penguins? Or Al Gore? Cute, endearing penguins? Or vitriolic prophet of environmental doom? Only Eleanor Clift could make that statement with a straight face... Well, that's not true. There are countless left-minded media-pimps who could say that with a straight face.

"Unlike front runner Hillary Clinton, there is no doubt about where Gore stands and what he believes in. He opposed the Iraq war, he was against the Patriot Act and he spoke out forcefully against President Bush’s torture policies and warrantless eavesdropping. Gore has become the darling of the left..."

The only thing that would make this mushy love-letter more sickening would be the inclusion of a pair of Eleanor's perfume scented undies.

Rush Limbaugh offers a rebuttal to...Algore: "We Have Ten Years Left Before Earth Cooks." Just for fun, check out Al's official Doomsday Countdown to World Destruction! in the top right corner.

God Spoke and He's Feeling Chatty: The Al Franken Documentary

"Al Franken: God Spoke follows Franken on his book tour for Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them through the launch of Air America, the left-wing radio station designed to "answer the fuckheads..." "
'Answer the Fuckheads'? Is it any wonder this guy is losing his shorts at Air America, and what little credibility he has left?

"A tireless whistleblower, [Franken] is shown eviscerating the republican agenda..."
Whistleblower?! More like "Blowhard"

"Franken... said he'd like to be Hitler, so he could call off the Holocaust and WWII, "but keep the Volkswagons." "
He'd like to be Hitler? Even jokingly? This is so not funny. But then Franken has never really been 'funny.'

Air America has lost it's New York Flagship station WLIB. They've lost stations all across the nation. It's bad enough having to listen to all the doom and gloom coming from Media, day in and day out. Why would anyone willingly tune in to Air America and drink the bitter draught they brew each and every day? The left wants to cry about the religious right, but fail to see themselves lining up like members of Jonestown to the free minibar.

How about a little "Fair & Balanced" with Mr. Franken's tome of lies, and liars... Check out Pants on Fire by Alan Skorski

Headlines found at the Daily Kos:

"Percentage of Misled Americans at All Time Low"

Quoting a USA Today/Gallop poll,
"...The poll showed Democrats leading 54%-39% among registered voters who were asked which party they would prefer in a congressional race."

and the recent CBS poll...
"Mr. Bush appears to be losing support from his own party. His approval rating among Republicans has dropped to 68 percent..."
There's nothing remarkable about these polls. The only use polls serve is to bolster the image the pollster/patron wishes to present... So, if Bush's approval ratings are at 33% that means quite a few of our superior-minded left-leaning countrymen are equally, if not woefully, misled-- The left, after all, controls the news, and they believe their own reports.

The biggest problem with the assumption that much of this nation ceases to buy into Bush's evil plan, is the media's premise that Bush is a liar, not to be trusted, a bumbling fool. Dan Rather bought into the media lie he helped create, and look where it got him. The fact is, people only hear what the Press wants them to hear. Misled? You betcha... Thank-you liberal media.

Pelosi to Hastert: House Needs To Investigate Cunningham Prostitution Claim

Pelosi to Hastert:

"I am writing to request that you join me in introducing a bipartisan resolution to direct an investigation by the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct into new issues raised in the case involving former Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham."

Hastert to Pelosi:

"I am writing to request that you join me in introducing a bipartisan resolution to direct an investigation by the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct into the continuing drama, and current legal case against Rep. Cynthia McKinney for her physical assault on a member of law enforcement."

On the Right--
I'll leave that to any readers out there

I just may be too biased to critique the Right. I will say this, however... Go to RushLimbaugh.com, or Hannity.com or TownHall.com, or most other mainstream conservative newsblogs and you won't see headlines like Madonna's vulgar suggestion, or people shouting "Bush Better be Effing Right!" Or comparing any vocal conservative to God.

That's the difference between the Left and the Right. The Left can't debate without resorting to vulgarity, and the Right sees no need to include vulgarity-- and has sense enough to ignore it. Sometimes to its own detriment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good catch on these headlines... from a transplant into NYC...

May 08, 2006 6:06 PM  

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