Pocket Full of Mumbles

What's done is done, and this puppy's done. Visit me over at Pearls & Lodestones

Thursday, July 20, 2006

I knew there were a lot of idiots in the world, but...

I don't know which is more disturbing, the camp that believes 600 million people all jumping at the same precise moment can save the world from global warming? Or the 'Anti-Jumpers' who seek to thwart the evil plan of the 'Jumpers', who if successful, may make obsolete the Gregorian calendar?

Extending this line of logic a little further... If aliens were to rapture every living creature on the face of the planet, all at the same precise moment, the earth could very well go spinning off into space. It could happen. But then, the stars could also be nothing more than pin-holes in the curtain of night.

But you'll all be relieved to know the whole thing is a hoax. A flash mob almost 600 million strong... Which, now that I think about it, makes me wonder what is more disturbing, the camp that believes 600 million people all jumping at the same precise moment can alter world climate? Or the fact that 600 million people have actually registered to do just that?


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