Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Summer of Kim Jong Il

Who the heck is Abu Mu'sab al Zarqawi? Wasn't he one of those terrorists over in Iraq? How many did he kill? Whoever or whatever he was he's not a shake on 'ol Kim. For Zarqawi, winter has come with no hope of spring. For Kim Jong Il however, the fruits of summer are all but ready for harvest.

The seeds planted in 1994 by U.S. officials in the form of a non-binding agreement to provide light water reactors to North Korea in exchange for the dropping of their graphite-moderated nuclear reactors have at last reaped a bitter fruit. In only 12 years Kim Jong Il's communistic dynasty has managed to become a genuine threat to the world's only remaining super power-- "only remaining" because, of the old order, the U.S. is all that remains, but that's not to say a new order cannot or will not arise. It is assured that such a new order will arise. It's only a matter of time. Just as it was only a matter of time before the communist regime of North Korea developed nuclear weapons despite it's impotent agreement with the United States.

While the U.S. was busy signing impotent agreements, her politicians were busy adopting impotent policies for the dealing with oath-breakers and psychopaths. The problem is not with the likes of Kim Jong Il, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, but rather, in the Western belief that reason can win out over fanaticism. It is the West's impotent policy of negotiation and multi-lateral talks that will allow Kim Jong Il his day in the sun... However brief that may ultimately be.

Summer is also a season for Rabies, and fear and hatred of the West is every bit as dangerous. It's easy to look at Iran, Palestine, and North Korea, and recognize that their policy of indocrination through education is an evil unparalleled in the rest of the world. Those who believe this fail to grasp the nature of American education, and the rabid tenacity of those who defend the destructive ideology American education espouses.

The Summer of 2006 may well turn out to be the summer of dangerous ideologues with Kim Jong Il its chiefest prince, but we only have ourselves to blame... for believing that irrational men can be rationalized with, and for believing preemption a worse evil than the wild gesticulations of insane and dangerous men.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a lot I want to say about this, but Kevin Drum responded Better than I could so I'll just point you there.


July 12, 2006 7:34 PM  

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