Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Friday, July 28, 2006

While Rome Burned...

...Condoleeza Rice played Brahms. Talk about disconnects! Half a million Lebanese are homeless? Let them eat cake! The only point in all this that seems to be right on target is America's refusal to condemn Israel for defending herself against a foe that desires only to kill her men, women, and children... to the last soul.

But looking back to my previous post... I'm with ER on this, I'd like to see what the headlines around the world spoke of in the run up to World Wars I & II. There's a lot of talk lately that what we are really seeing is the opening salvos of World War III, but I think this displays an inordinate amount of ignorance. Yet perhaps I give people too much credit; that they should have no difficulties recognizing that Change is the one inconstant-- unchangeable --force in our universe. Were it otherwise, entropy and stagnation would kill us all.

The fact is, all things are mutable EXCEPT change, and God. War, then, or rather the faces it wears, changes. And man, short-lived and contextually memoried, finds it difficult to see beyond his own experience. The face of war has changed so many times, but the fundamental, the base elements of war, never do...

"War is like water — its fundamental character remains unchanging precisely because the nature of the humans who fight it is constant over the centuries. True, the pump — the delivery system of flint, arrows, firearms, nuclear bombs, guided missiles and satellite weapons — radically changes the face of battle with each generation. But the essence of war nevertheless stays the same,..."

--Victor Davis Hanson

But though it's base never shifts, as Mr. Hanson points out, War is very adaptable, even if those who fight them are not-- It's the mindset of those who fight their wars I refer to here. The Cold War, was just as much a world war as the first 2... it had it's innocent victims, it casualties, its weapons, its posturing, and its rhetoric.

Could it be that we don't recognize the cold war as a world war because there aren't any standing memorials, no national holiday, or millions buried on foreign fields? Will we miss the significance of this new conflict and not give it the focus it deserves, all because we didn't recognize the opening salvos in 1979, and earlier? Is it not fair to say this is a struggle for ideology every bit as much as the cold war was? Communism vs Democracy? Facism against Liberty? Why is America and the rest of the world so reluctant to see the enemy for who he is? And why are we so unwilling to recognize the very real threat he poses to our innocents, our pocketbooks, our pleasures; in short, our way of life?

Just as not all Germans were nazis, just as not all German's would hand over a wounded American soldier caught behind enemy lines, so too are Muslims. Not all will seek our heads, eyes and limbs. But we didn't balk at doing what needed to be done in Germany because not all Germans were Nazis.

If only 10% of Muslims worldwide espouse the Wahabbist view of jihad, we're still left with a number that describes an enemy 100 million strong. 100,000,000 men and women who seek to see our way of life trodden under foot.

Could we really be seeing the beginnings of World War IV?


Blogger Brooke said...

I hope not... But I'm starting to think so.

July 28, 2006 2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe all germans werent nazis, but something to keep in mind.... the nazi party / Hitler was elected into office.

July 28, 2006 5:09 PM  
Blogger Al-Ozarka said...

The WW4 designation fits. It's been going on since 9/11 or before.

Speaking of Germans during WW2--what would have happened if good people had stood and fought fascists before they took contro; of Germany? What if those people who stood and watched the young Iranian girl suffering at the end of a rope, dangling from a crane--instead of muttering curses under their breathe--rose up and put the fascists down in Iran?

By standing by and doing NOTHING, they contribute to the tyranny! They are partakers in the agression of the tyrant!

In reality, if 80% of lebanon does indeed support Hezbollah, 80% of Lebanon should accept the fate that befalls it when Hezbollah acts aggressively.

And the world should quit WHINING!

It's not George Bush's fault, Olmert, Rumsfeld or any of them!

It is the fault of those who support this obviusly EVIL and MURDEROUS movement! It's the fault of parents who willingly put their children in harms way for a headline! It's the fault of idiots who call themselves leaders and appear on popular television broadcasts. It's because of the people who listen to their vicious rhetoric, believe the lies, and support the fascist killers!

It is because of those who recognize the evil but do nothing about it--let it fester so MORE people will die down through the years!

July 28, 2006 9:03 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

Oh, and for the record, Hitler was NOT elected. He achieved dictator status through subterfuge, trickery, and backroom deals...

Check out How Hitler Became a Dictator, by Jacob G. Hornberger.

July 28, 2006 9:33 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

Oh! Also... a lot of folks like to compare Bush to Hitler for that very reason. You know, the whole "Selected, not elected" thing.

July 28, 2006 9:35 PM  
Blogger Al-Ozarka said...

I really need ro start previewing my comments before I post them.

July 28, 2006 10:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you for the link...very interesting.
really the comparisons that can be drawn from that are even more eye opening. thank you again

July 29, 2006 10:49 AM  

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