Pocket Full of Mumbles

What's done is done, and this puppy's done. Visit me over at Pearls & Lodestones

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Using Gmail as a Blog Backup

I've created a Gmail account specifically for housing my blog as a backup. Each post is to be stored in Gmail, with each post divided into 3 parts:

1) the post as it appears at PocketMumbles

2) Any/All content at Links I've given in each post

3) The actual "Edit HTML" view for easy restoration. If necessay

It's going to be a long process of transference as there are close to 300 posts at "Pocket Full of Mumbles". I should be thankful I've only been at this, with dedication, since June of this year.

So, should the unthinkable happen... Nuclear War, Terrorist Attacks, Blogger Server Crashes, Who Knows!?!?!? I'm covered. Assuming blogger's servers are no where near Google's.

Perhaps this is an exercise in futility, perhaps it's just the anal-retentive part of me needing something to do. Should the unthinkable happen, and I actually survive, this blog will undoubtedly be the least of my worries...


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