Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

What Would Theocracy Look Like...

...If Islam ruled the world; a desire* it's repeatedly expressed?

Warning: Clicking on the "Here's More" link below will expose you to photographic evidence of senseless brutality, and the depravity of Muslim extremism.

At Opinionated Voice, a UK blogger who offers an interesting, and fair [Well, as fair as is possible. It's natural that a Muslim would choose to offer the benefit of doubt rather than attack his own religion] take on Islam, Violence, and Intolerance, asks the question, "Why do men choose violence over reason?" A very broad question [though the Blog is anything but] but fair.

The post in question asks, "Why is the world [and mostly the Christian world] spreading a tale of Muslim atrocity when there are no witnesses to corroborate the claim?" I would venture to say that Indonesian Authorities have a better idea of what's going on in their own nation than Jamal at Opinionated Voice, or I. Consider the source: This news comes out of a Muslim nation, from officials, I would venture to guess are mostly Muslim.

There is no need for this kind of violence. None whatsoever. There can be no justification for it.

I've not been able to bring myself to a point where actually viewing the beheadings of hostages in Iraq becomes something I can then live with. You can't UN-see something of this nature. I have never been able to UN-see the autopsy I sat in on in 1985-- as a spectator, I should point out. A static image is not the same as moving pictures, with the sound of men screaming until vocal cords, other obstructions, and death eventually bring silence.

This is the face of Theocracy. This is what the world can expect if Islam achieves it stated goal. The foolish notion that a Christian theocracy in America would bring untold horrors is just that... Foolish. There is a difference between Evil, and Misguided Intention, however good.

* "Desire" --deliberate attempt to sanitize the more powerful "Mission". Islam has stated repeatedly, throughout the centuries, that it is the "Mission" of Islam to subjugate-- not convert --the entire world.


Blogger Eric said...

Never heard of it, but I'll take a look. Thanx, for reading.

November 02, 2005 12:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus said, "Why do you see the speck in your neighbor's eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye?"

The enemy is not Islam, it is religious fundamentalism. Remember who committed the largest domestic terrorist attack in U.S. history prior to 9/11? And remember Eric Rudolph?

When you mix religious fanaticism with ignorance and political disempowerment, you get violence. This has happened repeatedly in Islam, Christianity, and many other world religions.

What would a Christian theocracy look like? Do you honestly believe the Crusades were any less brutal than the current scourge of Islamic facism?

November 02, 2005 9:25 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

No, I do not, but neither of us has anything more than a poor understanding of the Crusades. Actual records-- quality historical texts -- are slim at best. But I have no doubt the Crusades were ugly on both sides.

November 03, 2005 12:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good points by Gunther..

Furthermore its not just the crusades as there have been many more Western/Christian atrocities throughout history. Many would include invasions of Vietnam and Iraq in this bundle. As I alway say, there is good and bad in every group, lets not slate the entire colective!

Take the log out of your eye!

November 03, 2005 7:22 AM  

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