Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Wednesday, December 07, 2005

No Concerted Effort to Quash Christmas?

If you believe that you're beyond hope. Truth will never find a home in that orb you call a head.

Students at Ridgeway Elementary School in Dodgeville, Wisconsin were given a new song to sing. Not Silent Night; not the song that tells of Christ's birth, no. These children were made to sing "Cold in the Night".

"Cold in night
No one in sight
winter winds whirl and bite
how I wish I were happy and warm
safe with my family
out of the storm..."

Here's a statement by Mathew Staver, Liberty Counsel president and general counsel:

"For those who deny that there is a war on Christmas, the Wisconsin school district is exhibit A... The law is clear --– Christmas is constitutional. When a public school intentionally mocks Christian Christmas songs by secularizing their content, they cross the line from a neutral position, which the Constitution requires, to a hostile position, which the Constitution forbids. Changing 'Silent Night' to 'Cold in the Night' -- come on, let's stop this madness! Does the school not realize that Christmas is a national holiday?"

What, exactly, are educators afraid of? If Christmas is truly a heinous ritual, and educators merely seek to spare our impressionable children from exposure to its evils, why then is Christmas a national holiday? Is the Public School system perhaps afraid students might glean the semblance of a moral compass by undue exposure to Christmas Carols? Do we really want a secularist society? Think really hard on this one, because here is what you're asking for by answering yes:

Aldous Huxley's Brave New World
George Orwell's 1984
Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451
Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged
Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto
Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf
And the yet to be released film, V for Vendetta

Human nature is a very scary land to traverse; deep dark woods filled with all kinds of evil, where the rare sunlit glades are difficult to find. Just look around you-- It's a jungle out there, and no amount of glitter or paint can hide that fact. Utopia doesn't exist, and can never exist in light of Man's propensity for selfishness, and evil.

Without faith in God, it is impossible to be, and live, free.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight.

You belive that the US could become a totalitarian nation as a result of a small school in Wisconsin changing the lyrics of a song?


December 08, 2005 1:36 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

Not based on that alone, no. I'm just pointing out what human nature, unchecked by moral constraints and faith in God, will bring. By raising a generation ignorant of God,and tradition, we run the risk of losing ourselves, our form or government, and our nation. We're already a good distance down that road.

December 08, 2005 2:46 PM  

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