Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Monday, January 30, 2006

Democrats and the Filibuster

Working two jobs has really reduced the amount of time I spend here; little time is left after a 13 and a half hour day to pour over my reading lists, perform google searches, collect my thoughts and write. If one wishes to retire at some point in life one is required to work... I would not make a good democrat.

My continuing Conservative education has also been curtailed, though not to the point to which this blog has been-- I can find time to read and listen, but not collect those ideas/memes and expound upon them. So, having the morning off, I slept late, woke up refreshed, plunked down here and began to read...

Fourth on the Chief Mumbler's list, alphabetically...

The Lone Ranger's blog offers up the best breakfast I've had in weeks. But he's good at that. Having been in news a lot longer than I have, and a free-thinker to boot, the Lone Ranger has a unique perspective on the Democratic mindset. I say unique because until I found his blog I had never heard anything of Democratic origins; what they stood for historically, or how they managed to not evolve over the last century and a half.

The following following excerpts from "Democrats and the Filibuster" is by no means his most complete indictment of Democratic Theology, you can go here for that, but it's one nail in a series of nails hammered home... "Eventually, Daniel-san, you have nice big house!"

From its inception, the Democratic Party has kept blacks under its iron control. In their glory days, the Democrats were the party of slavery. Then, those waskily Wepublicans came along and ruined all that. So, the Democrats became the party of segregation, black codes, lynch law, and Jim Crow. Once again, the Republicans stepped in to put an end to the Democrats' fun, but the GOP's reforms were delayed for decades. One of the favorite Democratic tools to prevent the spread of civil rights was the filibuster...

Democrats hold blacks today in chains of promises, lies and ideology as tightly as they did in chains of iron 140 years ago. In fact, they are probably more successful, since fewer blacks today run from the Democratic Party than tried to escape from slavery. There is no Underground Railway for wannabe black Republicans. Those who do choose the "wrong" side are pelted with racial epithets such as" lawn jockey," "sell-out," "house nigga," and are pelted with Oreo cookies -- by people of their own race!!

Follow the link above for the full text. It's a short but very important read. This guy needs to be on every conservative's reading list. It wouldn't hurt for Dems to read the Lone Ranger either. A little light shining down on the truth of the Democratic Ideology might make some Dems flee the plantation. But that's probably more wishful thinking than actual probability.


Blogger tugboatcapn said...

Lash, as you may have already guessed, Lone Ranger is my very favorite blogger, Barr None, and I have him listed as every-day reading, for everyone, on my Blogroll.

(By the way, I haven't forgotten about you, and I will add you to my blogroll very soon. I thank you for adding me to yours!)

Also, I want you to know that YOU are on my daily reading list as well.

Circumstances prevent me from posting every day, but I do what I can.

it' great to meet another like-minded individual, who also hs a love for eclectic music.

Keep up the good work, my friend!

January 31, 2006 11:18 PM  

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