Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Sunday, February 05, 2006

Christopher Hitchens Asks a Question

On FOX News this morning, Christopher Hitchens posed the following bit of rhetoric...

In regard to Iran actually using nuclear weapons--

"Does Iran have a death wish?"

That's an interesting question. How one answers that question determines one's policy toward Iran. We-- as individuals and a nation --tend to view answers to such questions from a western perspective; no sane individual or nation would do such a thing knowing they invite complete and utter destruction from the rest of the nuclear world. While Mr. Hitchens question is an interesting one, we'd do better asking the following...

"Does Radical Islam share the same values of life and liberty as the West?"

Answer that question first, then you'll know how to answer Mr. Hitchens question.


Blogger tugboatcapn said...

The answer to both of those questions is No.

Iran is a Nation of people on the verge of Revolution, being governed by an insane loudmouth zealot.

I really wish that the people of Iran would overthrow their government themselves, and save us the trouble.

But I doubt that they will...At least not before they obtain Nuclear Weapons, and attempt to destroy Israel.

We will have to wait and see...

February 05, 2006 5:08 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

Hey Capn, think again about that first question. If they don't value western values and liberty, worshipping instead death and mayhem, and the promise of 72 virgins, the answer to Mr. Hitchens question is "Yes", they DO have a death wish.

Which is something those in a position to affect foreign policy, to include media-- as they indoctrinate the masses --fail to recognize.

Radical Islam does have a death wish, and we should take that into consideration in every aspect of our diplomacy, negotiations, and "contingency programs".

February 05, 2006 7:41 PM  
Blogger tugboatcapn said...

I agree that Radical Islamists may very well have a death wish, but I do not believe that the people of Iran as a block do.

Iran is a sticky situation. Their Government is absolutely a bunch of raving lunatics, but the rank and file Iranians I believe to be receptive to democracy and westernization, especially if we can give them enough time to see it work in Iraq for a couple of years.

To clarify my point, I believe that the answer to Mr. Hitchens' question depends on whether you are talking about the Leadership in Iran, or the Country as a whole.

February 05, 2006 9:12 PM  
Blogger tugboatcapn said...

Oh, and I completely agree with you.

We cannot negotiate with Ahmadinejad. He cannot be trusted in any way, and we MUST remember that fact when dealing with him.

The World MUST NOT allow that regime to become a Nuclear Power.

February 05, 2006 9:30 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

When I speak of Iran, I speak of its leadership.

For example: Constitutionally each and every voting American has the ultimate power over this nations direction. However... Realistically, the voting public has little, if any, power over the government, and its entities. Good luck getting Tax Reform-- like the Fair Tax. Good luck getting Private Social Security accounts. Good luck getting rid of ear-marks and a host of other really bad apples in Washington. Why? Because people can't agree enough to vote their Senators and Representatives out of office. We don't have what it takes as a nation to say, "Enough! You've screwed us long enough, now get out of our Capital!"

So it is with Iran, though I imagine the people have less control over the changing of their government than do we Americans.

Even if the people of Iran did rise up, we would still have to deal with an Iranian government, not each and every Sayeed and Bashir in the Tehran phone book.

The same here. Foreign governments don't negotiate treaties with the likes of you and me.

Let's be honest, you and I have little if any power over our government unless its an election day, and even then we're either the victims of political manipulation, gerrymandering, or outright fearful of the consequences of not reelecting our leaders.

That being said... I agree, Iran cannot be allowed to acquire a nuclear weapons program.

On a side note:

Remember Dune? The Fremen were waiting for their Mahdi? Paul Atreide's golden path was Galactic Jihad and become god-emperor-- though he failed on that score, forcing his son to make that dreadful choice.

The Fremen were not animals, they were not madmen, but they were determined, battle hardened, and implaccable enemies. They over-ran the known universe, and if we're not careful, the same could happen here, albeit on a much smaller scale.

And no one here is capable of scattering to the four corners of the universe to escape Islam.

February 05, 2006 10:09 PM  

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