"Pay No Attention to the Ranting Man!!!"
You know what they say, "Beat that dead horse all you want, it ain't gonna drink no water." Likewise, verbally beat Democrats day in and day out and it won't make a spitballs bit of difference... They will steadfastly refuse to see reason if it comes from the mouth of a Repblican.
I am sick to death of Democratic idiocy.
The world is swirling the bowl and no one seems able to agree on who should stick their hand in and save that bright shiny diamond ring. Whats worse? Losing a valuable piece of rock down the toilet, or getting your hand "dirty"? How will we ever defeat radical Islam if no ones willing to get their hands dirty?
Radical Islam is not deterred by deterrence. To say they won't use their nukes because the world would retaliate 100 fold is absolutely ludicrous. Fanaticism is not deterred by the threat of complete and utter destruction... It in fact welcomes destruction. For an ideology that rewards its martyrs with 72 virgins [I wonder if those 72 virgins, via divine mandate, remain virgins regardless of how many times their gardens are plundered...hmmm...] and a perfect garden full of fresh food, clean clothes, and an eternal temperature set at 72, death is merely the opening of heavens door and entrance into the rewards they've so sublimely earned.
Muslims need to speak out against Islam's hijackers. Democrats need to get a spine, America needs to shake off the malaise of Liberal Entitlement Syndrome [LES], and the Tin Man needs a heart... but then, sorry Tin Man, John Murtha needs it more.
And get over it! They're cartoons! And by the way, how civilized is desiring blasphemers be beheaded for drawing a cartoon? You're insane!!! Get over it, or we'll step over your lifeless corpse when you try to kill our children!
Yo! America! If you want something, work for it! Reach out for it, cash or qualifications in hand! Government should not, nor should it ever be, in the business of subsidizing sloth. But sadly, to most American minds that's Government's only role. Where's your self-respect? Why can't you be responsible enough to see to your own health care? Your own housing? Your own decent wage? Your own education? Now, for those of you in genuine need of the aforementioned safety nets, be my guest; I pay taxes, and I'd rather see you fed and housed than on some steam grate in the dead of winter. As for the rest of you... Get a job! Get an education! And get your hands out of my pocket!
And please, please, if you can't keep your pants on at least have enough common sense to use protection-- AIDS and a gamut of other nasties are no joking matter --especially if you have no desire to father or give birth to an unwanted child. And if you were stupid enough to not use protection and are currently thinking about an abortion, do us all a favor... Let it live. If you still don't want your "little mistake" when it's born, there are plenty of people out there who do. Don't take the cowardly way out. Don't become a murderer... Especially on my dime!
I am sick to death of Democratic idiocy.
The world is swirling the bowl and no one seems able to agree on who should stick their hand in and save that bright shiny diamond ring. Whats worse? Losing a valuable piece of rock down the toilet, or getting your hand "dirty"? How will we ever defeat radical Islam if no ones willing to get their hands dirty?
Radical Islam is not deterred by deterrence. To say they won't use their nukes because the world would retaliate 100 fold is absolutely ludicrous. Fanaticism is not deterred by the threat of complete and utter destruction... It in fact welcomes destruction. For an ideology that rewards its martyrs with 72 virgins [I wonder if those 72 virgins, via divine mandate, remain virgins regardless of how many times their gardens are plundered...hmmm...] and a perfect garden full of fresh food, clean clothes, and an eternal temperature set at 72, death is merely the opening of heavens door and entrance into the rewards they've so sublimely earned.
Muslims need to speak out against Islam's hijackers. Democrats need to get a spine, America needs to shake off the malaise of Liberal Entitlement Syndrome [LES], and the Tin Man needs a heart... but then, sorry Tin Man, John Murtha needs it more.
And get over it! They're cartoons! And by the way, how civilized is desiring blasphemers be beheaded for drawing a cartoon? You're insane!!! Get over it, or we'll step over your lifeless corpse when you try to kill our children!
Yo! America! If you want something, work for it! Reach out for it, cash or qualifications in hand! Government should not, nor should it ever be, in the business of subsidizing sloth. But sadly, to most American minds that's Government's only role. Where's your self-respect? Why can't you be responsible enough to see to your own health care? Your own housing? Your own decent wage? Your own education? Now, for those of you in genuine need of the aforementioned safety nets, be my guest; I pay taxes, and I'd rather see you fed and housed than on some steam grate in the dead of winter. As for the rest of you... Get a job! Get an education! And get your hands out of my pocket!
And please, please, if you can't keep your pants on at least have enough common sense to use protection-- AIDS and a gamut of other nasties are no joking matter --especially if you have no desire to father or give birth to an unwanted child. And if you were stupid enough to not use protection and are currently thinking about an abortion, do us all a favor... Let it live. If you still don't want your "little mistake" when it's born, there are plenty of people out there who do. Don't take the cowardly way out. Don't become a murderer... Especially on my dime!
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