Pocket Full of Mumbles

What's done is done, and this puppy's done. Visit me over at Pearls & Lodestones

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Eric on the Grammys

U2 & the unknown [to me] soul sister's performance of "One" was the highlight of the entire three and a half hours. A stirring performance... despite poor in-house audio. Everything from that point on was horrible.

Case in point? Kanye West's acceptance of the very next award for best Rap album. And just what was he wearing? A Michael Jackson costume? When he began to speak, I fully expected him to say, "George Bush doesn't care about black peoples."

UPDATE: Another Highlight

Green Day gets best Record of the Year! Beating out Kanye, Gorrilaz, Mariah, and Gwen... Wow! Someone who genuinely deserved an award actually WON!


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've counted 3 costume changes for Kanye. Just who does this popinjay think he is?

On a side note-- did anyone see that movie with Travolta called White Man's Burden? An interesting film, though it flopped at the Box Office. Imagine a world where the advantages and disadvanges of race were reversed. White's are the ones whose ancestors suffered under the yoke of slavery... on black plantations. Whites are struggling to climb out of the ghetto. Whites are suffering discrimination and all the indignities that come with it.

Writing my thoughts on Kanye earlier this evening, and remembering his ignorant statement concerning George Bush's supposed lack of concern for the African-American community, White Man's Burden came unexpectedly to mind, and I wondered-- If roles had been reversed, would some white guy from Texas have declared to all of America, "Kanye West doesn't care about white people"?

I find it difficult to believe this guy gets any play. I can't believe what passes for idol worship these days. What happened to the genuine heroes? The ones who, in a positive manner, changed the way others viewed the world?

'Whose your idol, dear?'

'Oh! Kanye, of course! He's so fab!'

How did we let this crap into our house? By not checking the soles of our shoes before crossing the threshold.

As to Kanye... What's to worship? He's an idiot.

Take up the White Man’s burden—
And reap his old reward:
The blame of those ye better
The hate of those ye guard—

--from Rudyard Kipling's "The White Man's Burden"


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