Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Friday, March 31, 2006

Even Psychopaths Experience Moments of Clarity

The problem, however, is that the rational world-- knowing the psychopath all too well --will dismiss every word that comes from his mouth because he IS a psychopath.

Who could possible take the word of a lunatic with more than a grain of salt, and a patronizing chuckle?

Consider this response from a Holocaust survivor, upon being asked what lesson he had gleaned from his experiences...

"When someone tells you he wants to kill you -- believe him."

America would do well to take this simple statement of truth to heart. Ahmadinejad wants to wipe Israel off the map? Crazy? Are we sure we want to laugh it off? Does Israel really want to give away a piece of Jerusalem?

Appeasement hasn't worked thus far, why should we think anything would be gained by appeasing a people and a religion that wants only to destroy God's chosen people?

When a gibbering idiot, bereft of any rational thought, comes at you wildly swinging a 12" kitchen knife...

Laughing it off is the very last thing one should do.


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