Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Yes, Virginia, the Press DOES Think You're Stupid...

CBS Poll: Eight of every ten Americans do not believe President Bush has a "clear plan for keeping the price of gas down."

1-- It's not the Presidents job/responsibility to keep gas prices down
2-- The Fed makes more off every gallon of gas than oil companies
3-- On average, 40 to 50% of the total price of gas at the pump is tax

Oil company propits average 9 cpg. If Congress wants to offer the American people low gas prices, perhaps they should tighten their own belts. After all, the federal government didn't do anything to earn the money it gets from big oil except hold out its hand to the tune of 18.4 cpg-- twice the profit big oil gets.

The state of Alabama, where I live, gets 18 cpg for gas & 19 cpg for diesel. The state of New York gets a whopping 31.9 cpg for gas & 29.9 cpg for diesel.

Every gallon of gas sold in this country is subject to a host of taxes:

            --Federal tax
            --State tax
            --City tax
            --County tax
            --Environmental fees
            --Sales tax

Politicians want to take away oil company profits? They're already DOING that!

On a related note:
Headline found at the Huffington Post-- In response to congressional proposal of a $100 Gas rebate.

"Law Makers Think We're $100 Whores!"

And yes, Virgina, they think you're stupid as well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You do know that the money government stake in through taxes are spent for their constituents right? The state of Alabama doesn't just keep the gas tax in some giant Scrooge McDuck money vault. The money comes back to you through paved roads, education, law enforcement, and health care for the indigent and elderly. At the federal level half of all discretionary spending goes toward the defense of the nation. What governmental services are you willing to give up so that you can continue ignore this nation's looming oil-addiction crash?

In 1990 democrats proposed legislation to raise the federal mpg requirement for all vehicles to 40 mpg by 2001. It was defeated by the republican party. These rising gas prices are a consequence of short-sighted decisions by this country for the past 30 years.

we have to bite the bullet and accept high gas prices, so that development of needed technologies will be spurred. Alternative energy sources (ethanol, bio-diesel, clean-coal, natural gas, hydrogen, fuel cells etc.). Increased vehicle efficiency. Ecological manufacturing and construction.

The government could have been nurturing these technologies for the past years so that the shock wouldn't be so great now. But people like Grover Norquist kept running around screaming about big government, distracting the conversation from the actual role of government. To protect people from sudden shocks like these gas prices are going to be.

May 05, 2006 2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What Ben said!

May 05, 2006 3:07 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

I agree, in so much that it is because of...

"...short-sighted decisions by this country for the past 30 years."

It is not a Republican, or Democrat, thing.

May 05, 2006 3:41 PM  

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