Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Lie Islam Believes

The Al Aqsa mosque has stood on the temple mount since before Solomons day.

Who are we to believe? Jewish writings that date back more than three thousand years? Or Muslim writings that date back only sixteen hundred? If one intellectually honest muslim caretaker can admit the truth there is hope for a Jewish Temple yet.

How many people know that Jerusalem sits upon a major fault line? How strong of an earthquake would it take to collapse the Al Aqsa mosque? How soon after such a collapse would it take Israel to seal off the temple mount and refuse any rebuilding by Muslims?

Imagine the escalation in strife between Israel and Islam.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually there is some mention in islamic historiography about discussions during the Crusades concerning the rebuilding of the temple mount. After all, muslims also believe it to portend the coming of the messiah. There is always a doctrinal and therefore convoluted logic as to 'why' things are done the way they are done, but the legacy is still there. Al Aqsa remains a lynchpin..

June 14, 2006 9:46 PM  
Blogger Jack H said...

Is it Zechariah who says the Mount of Olives will be clave in two, east to west? So foreshock no doubt will clear the way for the Temple.

June 16, 2006 1:04 AM  
Blogger Eric said...

I'll have to check Zechariah to make sure. Though I've been wracking my brain to remember when, in my lifetime, an earthquake actually struck in Israel.

National Geographic says the fault line in a big one, but I honestly can't recall hearing about even the slightest of tremors there.

Something else to research, I reckon.

June 16, 2006 8:47 AM  

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