Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Saturday, September 16, 2006

We Have it So Easy Here... Now....

Convert from Islam to Christianity killed

Somali Christian sources report Ali Mustaf Maka'il, a 22-year-old college student and cloth merchant who converted from Islam to Christianity 11 months ago, was shot and killed in the Manabolyo quarter of Mogadishu.

According to a report from the Barnabas Fund, quoting a Christian source inside Somalia, the gunman was loyal to the Union of Islamic Courts, the Islamist organization that took power in Mogadishu in early June and now controls much of southern Somalia.

The report states the gunman shot Ali in the back Sept. 7 after he refused to join a crowd chanting Quran verses in honor of the lunar eclipse. Solar and lunar eclipses are significant in Islam and are accompanied by special congregational prayers. The Union of Islamic Courts confiscated Ali's body for 24 hours before delivering it to the grieving family...

Chanting verses in honor of a lunar eclipse? Not God? Someone please tell me why these folks are honest God-fearing people on a 'different' but equally acceptible path to God? Is this what Americans could expect should Islam take America for its own? --please note that I used the word 'could'... I don't believe it could actually happen.

This also puts me in remembrance of Steve Centani and Olaf Wiig's forced conversion to Islam. Campared to Steve and Olaf, the choice Ali Mustaf Maka'il made illustrates the gulf between what is false, and what is genuine Christianity. Might I suggest that Steve and Olaf did not convert to Islam, for the simple reason they weren't Christians? Think of the alternative.


Blogger Brooke said...

If I were in a similar circumstance, I know I couldn't "convert" to Islam.

At least this poor fellow is a REAL AND TRUE martyr in the eyes of God (not one of those hacks that murders innocents for the opportunity to get into the bordello in the sky) and is with Him now!

September 19, 2006 5:22 PM  

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