Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

And some of you wonder...

...why I have no respect for the Left. How many liberal politicians, I wonder, will repudiate their unhinged supporters.

[Hat tip to Michelle Malkin for preserving the evidence]

The sick perversion I affectionately refer to as 'The Unhinged Liberal Left' spent the morning lamenting the fact that a suicide bomber FAILED to assassinate the Vice-President. Truly Incredible!!! Well, giving credit where credit is due, at least the managers at The Huffington Post closed comments (after 11 pages!), and deleted many of the more vile comments. Still, the fact that places like HuffPo exist, gives me little hope for a national reconciliation... We are lessened as a nation because of such fools. I hope the powers-that-be at HuffPo are at least embarrassed by their readers.

What shallow lives these commenters must live, swimming in the poison of their own vile hatred.

God have mercy on them all. And praise be to God for protecting our Vice President.


On a side note: The Dow Jones industrial is currently down some 500 points... HUGE drop!... It will be interesting to see how the media plays off this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't seriously think that the comments would have been any friendlier if that website had been michellmalkin.com and the politicain had been Sen. Nancy Pelosi, or Rep. Jack Murtha? Each side has their rabid vociferous chorus. You just only hear the chorus on your left because you're so far right.

Talk about the insencerity of a christian!

February 27, 2007 4:02 PM  
Blogger Dan Trabue said...

"What shallow lives these commenters must live, swimming in the poison of their own vile hatred."

With this, we can agree. Anyone who prefers hate to love; violence to peacemaking; who hopes for death and evil instead of life and good; who prefers demonization over dialog - anyone such as this is hurting our nation and our world.

February 27, 2007 4:37 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

I initially rejected BenT's comment; I felt it was personally offensive. But I decided to post it anyway-- good thing blogger allows us to post comments we initially reject!

If BenT were even remotely familiar with MichelleMalkin.com he'd know that there's no commenting at her place. My guess is she has neither the time nor inclination to sift through the thousands of comments she'd likely get, to say nothing of the rude and insulting comments she'd get from the Unhinged Left..
Even at NewsBusters.org the debate is strangely free of abusive language toward the Left; if anything the commenters there are intolerant of that sort of behavior.

BenT is right in that there are a few Rabid Righties out there, but he's wrong to say there are top-tier conservative websites that pander to the 'unhinged right'... the few who are unhinged remain maginalized by the Right as a whole, and the Right is generally more quick to point out that such persons do not reflect the spirit of the Right.... The same cannot be said of most on the Left, but then that's MY perspective. I've still to see any report of the Left denouncing the behavior all too common at HuffPo. The Daily Kos, while just as distastful, is at least a kinder, gentler brand of lunacy... with a far better grasp of the English language.

BenT is entitled to believe what he will, but I find it both interesting and amusing that BenT resorts to the same shallow and self-demeaning tactics as the commenters at HuffPo.

And that's all I got to say about that.


Some of you may have noticed that some of your comments make it through and some don't. Let me simply say... "I told ya, so"

Be relevent, make sense, and avoid personal attacks and you'll do fine.


One final note:

Dan and I enormously disagree on a number of issues. And while I have gotten testy on occasion... well, I've come to respect his position, however much I disagree.

You people can shake your heads or hate me all you wish... call me an insincere Christian, I don't care. Truth is, trying to live like a Christian is relatively new to me, and I don't always get it right.... But I know in whom I've entrusted my soul.

February 27, 2007 8:30 PM  
Blogger Al-Ozarka said...

It's hard to "respect" the "opinion" of someone so devious, EL.

February 28, 2007 8:30 AM  
Blogger Eric said...

Respect does not necessarily imply approval, Daddio. In this respect I merely mean that I am resigned to the knowledge that Dan and I disagree... and may always will.

February 28, 2007 9:27 AM  
Blogger Al-Ozarka said...

Respect is also something that is earned.

One can respect another until the other exhibits he is unworthy of respect or the other deviously disrespects others.

February 28, 2007 10:18 AM  
Blogger Eric said...

True. That is completely fair.

February 28, 2007 11:13 AM  

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