Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Tuesday, October 04, 2005

3 Quotes From...

"Many Don't Grasp Strategy of Miers Nomination"
--by Thomas Lifson

There is a doom-and-gloom element on the Right which is just waiting to be betrayed, convinced that their hardy band of true believers will lose by treachery those victories to which justice entitles them... They misinterpret [Bush's] missing verbal combativeness as weakness.

The President must also prepare himself for a possible third nominee to the Court. With the oldest Justice 85 years old, and the vagaries of mortality for all of us being what they are, it is quite possible that a third (or even fourth) opportunity to staff the Court might come into play.

If conservatives don't sabotage his choice, Harriet Miers could make an enormous contribution toward building Court majorities for interpretations of the Constitution faithful to the actual wording of the document.

Personal Note: A lot has been said both yesterday and today that gives me pause enough to relax and adopt a "wait and see" stance. That George W. Bush is more than a bit unorthodox is stating the obvious. It is equally obvious that the Left and the Media have yet to figure him out. There is reason to hope, and not near enough to let our fears out of the cage.


Blogger Al-Ozarka said...

The left is watching what these knee-jerkers are doing and laughing while encouraging more of the same. It's almost shameful.

October 04, 2005 8:41 PM  

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