Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Thursday, November 03, 2005

Numbers Behind Numbers ...

in CBS' latest poll touting Bush's lowest approval rating to date. Another bit of weighted news from the Kings of Slant.
    * Bush job approval at all time low of 35%
* Bush favorable rating at 33%
* Right track 27%, wrong track 68%
* Congress job approval 34%
* Congressional Dem favorable rating 41%,
Congressional Republican favorable rating 35%

Now for the numbers behind the numbers. Take a look at the composition of the respondents:
Total Respondents (Unweighted) = 936
Republicans = 259 (27.67%)
Democrats = 326 (34.83%)
Independents = 351 (37.5%)

Now look at the weighted sample:
Republicans: 223 (23.80%)
Democrats: 326 (34.79%)
Independents: 388 (41.4%)

The result is a 35% job approval for the president, which is roughly 4-8 points lower than the other polls out right now.

Lifted from: RealClearPolitics