Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Monday, November 07, 2005

Rioting Spreads to 300 Towns...

I'm sorry Jamal, French Muslims may not have started the riots, but it appears they’re doing a fine job of perpetuating the chaos… 300 towns now experiencing the impact of Frances extremely ill-conceived policy of exclusion…

"Come to France, Ooo la la! Enjoy the life of a happy Frenchman, yes. Now stay in your neighborhoods and let the real French breathe the fresh air of opportunity..."

France now is paying the price, and the rest of Europe can thank her for being "spineless" "surrender monkeys", as others here have said.

Be thankful you live in England. There’s a growing problem there as well, but it hasn’t reached the level that France has. And no, I do not forget my own country. This problem is exists everywhere.

I am thankful for your perspective. Your heart appears to be in the right place.
Apologies for my comment at your site.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

No need to apologise as no offense was taken. To be honest, i like you views. If we all thought the same thing then we would live in a boring world of followers where debate would be unknown.

This doesnt change the fact that Muslims are not to blame for the riots. This conflict is much wider then blaming it on a religion. That is the easy way out, which not even France will manage to pull off.

November 07, 2005 6:25 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

Granted. All evidence points to circumstances that lay blame decidedly upon doorsteps other than Muslims. I worry, however, at whose doorstep the perpetuation of violence lies. It appears to lay with Muslim youths. This, as you rightly stated, doesn't necessarily make the issue one of religion.

We [Americans] see Muslim aggression on the television seemingly every hour of every day. That's the nature of our 24 news cycle. It's hard sometimes to separate our perceptions from what the networks bombard us with every day. Like the link I found on your site, Riverbend Blog? It's refreshing to get perspectives from people who live what I only hear and see on CNN or Fox.

Furthermore, I appreciate your input. I like to think of myself as fair minded. I'm willing to be shown the error of my ways, if you will. There are a lot of reactionary people in the world, and I strive to not be one of them.

I'm just trying to make sense of it all, and debate is the best tool I know of to get there.

November 07, 2005 9:36 PM  

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