Pocket Full of Mumbles

What's done is done, and this puppy's done. Visit me over at Pearls & Lodestones

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Where do I sign up to be Tonto?!

Now here's a guy I truly appreciate, the Lone Ranger. Truth is on his side, but still he has to wear a mask. Why? The purveyors of Lies and Deception, those prey-ers upon the weak "...don't need no stinking masks." Why? Because they have what seems the entire town in their pocket. Which forces the Lone Ranger to be more circumspect; he has to hide who he is so his friends and family don't suffer the consequences of his crusade.

I haven't always thought Liberalism was evil. I embraced it as little as 15 years ago, until I began to read and think for myself. I learned that while I liked some of the things my Liberal friends stood for, there was always something in my heart nagging at me, insisting that this or that was Evil, and I was wrong to partake of that wormy meat.

There have been a number of influences in my transformation, none of whom have brainwashed me, made me into a "mind-numbed robot", or turned me into a clone. What I believe is mine alone, and I can thank God-- Literally --that I did not fall completely into the traps that were surely laid just for me. I am not rich, nor poor, and not at all where I'd like to be, but that's for me to change; they are my goals to achieve. It is not the job of Government or even God to make my life better, to give me success. That is my job, it why I am here, and why I am given the ability to make a free and deliberate choice.

While I have more than a few teachers, I am not the product of any one of them, nor are my Philosophies of Life, Love, Liberty, and Success theirs. I am an Amalgamation of their combined tutelage. And I like who I am. Recognizing, of course that I am still a work in progress, I am learning to rely on God for those things no one else can give me, and the spoor of those who have traveled this path before me, and left as signposts along the way.

Which brings me back to The Lone Ranger. I have discovered a new spoor in this seemingly trackless wood that offers a clearer path ahead. I've got my horse, the ability to ride swiftly, and Kimosabe is somewhere up ahead. It's time to ride.

"Democrats: From Chains of Iron to Chains of Ideology"

The Democratic Philosophy is as close to degenerate and evil a philosophy there is.