Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Thursday, March 02, 2006

Heard on the Radio...

In regard to this Nation's response to the Katrina disaster.

"It is not the President of the United States' responsibility to wet-nurse every incompetent governor and mayor in this country!"

--Unknown caller [to me at least] on "The Tony Snow Show"


Another caller made the comment that most of the bus drivers were probably old women-- grandmothers --who chose to stay with their families, which is why there were no drivers for all those drowned school buses. The caller further stated that in order to drive those buses one needs a commercial license...


On bright sunny days, as a matter of performing ones duty for the city school district, this is undoubtedly true. However... A category 5 storm is barreling down on a city that is, for the most part, below sea level, and you mean to tell me Mayor Nagin couldn't assign city personnel-- or civilians --to buses and begin busing people out of the storm's path because to allow someone without a commercial license to drive a city bus would be against the law? It's an argument that simply doesn't float. Negligence is a crime which in some cases can get one sent to the "Stripy Hole"-- Thank you, A Clockwork Orange. With 1,000+ deaths in New Orleans alone, negligence has become, by far, the most glaring factor in those deaths. Who's to blame? The President of the United States? Or the inept, and corrupt leaders of the city of New Orleans? No one would have faulted the mayor for putting those buses to use. Yet no one is willing to fault him for not even trying. The Governor isn't exempt from this argument either, she could have ordered Mayor Nagin to load up those buses and begin moving people. But it's probably a safe bet that Governor Blanco never thought of using the city's school buses.

It's an old argument, I know, but too many people are getting a free pass by media and the ignorant* masses.

Mayor Nagin on the other hand has just about used up his free pass. Polling numbers indicate only 19% of New Orleans voters plan to vote to re-elect the Mayor of Chocolate City. This mumbler acknowledges the fact that Mayor Nagin has lost his base, but that fact alone only goes to underscore just how out of touch with the realities of a category 5 storm the Mayor really is... Or was. I think it safe to say Mayor Nagin now realizes his mistake.

Quick thought experiment:

1) Assuming there were 300 buses in the city and school districts motor pools combined,

2) And each bus could seat 60 people safely,

3) That's 18,000 evacuees in just one trip

3) With just 1 days notice, 300 buses should be able to make a minimum of 4 trips [2 hours out of New Orleans; i.e.; Higher Ground... 5 hour round-trip if you include loading, off-loading, and refueling] for a grand total of 52,000 souls.

Question: How many lives could have been saved if the Mayor had just taken the storm seriously?

All this is pointless speculation, however, because everyone knows the disaster was Bush's fault.

*Ignorance -- Without awareness [of truth].


Anonymous Anonymous said...

how would you feel if you were the mayor of that city?
could you be perfect?
would all the people listen?
Why is everything one or two - someones fault?
when will we take resposibility for ourselves as a society and start working together instead of blaming each other when things happen. I cried for that mayor and his pain - over his people, his city and his realization he could have done more! everyone made mistakes there *everyone* - and everyone suffered for it.

March 02, 2006 7:05 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

I couldn't agree with you more. My only point was to show how idiotic it is to point ones finger at one man or woman. It is not George Bush's fault. Nor is it Mayor Nagin's. Mistakes were made by all, and I too am sick to death of the political blame game currently being egged on by the media elite.

March 02, 2006 7:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry I guess I didnt get your wording.

March 03, 2006 5:43 AM  
Blogger Eric said...

Sarcasm often gets lost in translation

March 03, 2006 9:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorrry I dont mean to seem like I am always attacking you.

March 03, 2006 4:45 PM  

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