Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Friday, March 10, 2006

UAE Gives Bush the Easy


How Bush Always Manages to
Escape Evil Democratic ploys

Was it a Rovian Plot to steal Democratic thunder? Was it a Rovian Plot to force Democrats into revealing their true colors? Or was it a Rovian Plot to finish what Bush began on 9-11? Is this how empires are born?

Admittedly, my initial reaction to the ports deal was one of bewilderment. How could we allow a foreign government to control 6 major American ports? What was Bush thinking?! As it turns out I was wrong. When I realized how little I understood about the deal, I chose to just shut up about it.

Well now I understand a lot more, though again, not near as much as I need to be able to discuss the pro's and con's of DPW running what? 8 terminals in 6 US ports? What I find most interesting about the death of this deal is how quickly Media changed their tune.

For those of you who don't know, I work at a CBS affiliate. What I found most interesting is, yesterday Bob Schieffer and Co. described the deal as a United Arab Emirates Company taking over operational control of 6 major U.S. Ports. Today with Steve Croft-- just one day after the deals death --it's become, "Control of 8 terminals at 6 major U.S. Ports, where the U.S. retains security over the ports themselves." [paraphrased]. As if that weren't enough, CBS announces that a Dubai based company already controls 30 some terminals in just about every U.S. Port. How convenient that this information is discovered the day after Bush is dealt a political defeat. This speaks to either monumental ignorance on the part of Media and Congress, or great, monumental deceit.

The San Francisco Chronicle goes one further-- regardless of any ignorance or deceit --and lays out Democratic motives for the whole PortGate debacle....

"Privately, many Democrats conceded the xenophobic and anti-Arab strains to their rhetoric made them uncomfortable. But opinion polls that showed the issue hurting Bush's popularity and GOP chances in November prompted them to step up their attacks.

" "The Democrats just out-Roved Rove,'' said James Zogby, president of the Arab American Institute, describing congressional pressure to scuttle the deal as "shameless, absolutely disgraceful behavior." "

Harry and Chuck are still trying to claim credit for killing the deal, and today, Hillary is unusually quiet. Period. I guess she's hoping no one will notice the 450k the UAE gave Bill for applying a little grease to the deal; Bashing American's in UAE, while accepting their money to pay the grease monkey. Suddenly the label "Slick Willy" seems more than a little apropos.

Finally, I am embarrassed that upon hearing Mr. Carter's approval of the deal, I immediately jumped to the other side of the fence. Purely reactionary on my part.

But don't believe any of the Media hype on this. Everyone knows Karl Rove manipulated the whole affair from a secret bunker beneath the White House. Undoubtedly, he's gleefully dry-washing his hands in evil satisfaction, snickering all the while... "It's all part of my EEE-villl plan!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for the info...I still havent looked into this myself or seen much about it.
good to read about.

March 11, 2006 6:02 AM  

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