Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Saturday, May 13, 2006

Repeating My Comments at ER's Place...


That's all I see here.... Rage, and foaming at the mouth.

"The country's going to hell in a handbasket!" "Bush is destoying our civil liberties!" "He's a lawbreaker!" "An oathbreaker!" "Impeach the man!" "He's making a list!" "Checking it twice!" "Trying to find out hoo's notty and nice!" "And we're not gonna stand for it!!!!"

Good Grief!

I'm tired of hearing Dem's accuse Repub's for buying into the lies and distortions foisted on the American public by the administration, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, etc. et al.... and for generally being nothing more than harpies and lickspittles for the corrupt Republican congress and Republican administration.....

I'll say it again... Good Grief!!! Look in the mirror boys! It's exactly the same on your side of the political fence. I see nothing but ill-tempered harpies, and foul mouthed lickspittles with lips firmly planted on the butts of such buffoons as Olbermann, Matthews, CNN, Pelosi, and the hideously droll and morose Reid! What a bunch of liars the Democratic party is! Oh, the depths to which they have sunk!!!!!

Does anyone realize that the USA today piece was not even a new story?!? The New York Times first told the world about this on Dec 24, 2005. This WAS a timed re-hashed hatchet-job drummed up by the Left for the very purpose of casting doubt on the confirmation of Mr. Hayden.

Democrats and the press, under the hypocritical and disingenuous auspices of "serving the publics' best interests" have, since the beginning of this current administrations tenure, sought to bring down George W. Bush. It's Tit for Tat. We did it to your man Clinton and by god it's your turn to do it to our guy George. Well go for it! Drag us all into the toilet while you're at it! Praise the leakers of national security! Heap Pulitzer's on them! Stand them up as model Americans! -- while glossing over the whole treason thing... They're nothing but hypocrites... everyone of them!

I am sick to death of politics, and I am sick to death of idiots who parrot everything coming out of the mouths of their favored false-RhetOrators.

Want to know what's really killing this country? It's people like us, bitching about the other side for no other HONEST reason than because we hate the other side! Deny it if you wish, I'm tired of it all. And right now? I just don't care anymore.

But therein lies my problem... I can't stop caring! Who else besides me, and others like me, will defend the truth? Certainly not the hypocritical Left!!

Ahhh, don't bother!!! I see the mirror! Why can't you ?!?!?!

UPDATE: Erudite Redneck's response can be read here... It's not at all what I expected, and for that I am grateful.


Blogger Al-Ozarka said...

Dilemma? You bet!

May 13, 2006 10:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I am sick to death of politics, and I am sick to death of idiots who parrot everything coming out of the mouths of their favored false-RhetOrators.

"Want to know what's really killing this country? It's people like us, bitching about the other side for no other HONEST reason than because we hate the other side! Deny it if you wish, I'm tired of it all. And right now? I just don't care anymore.

"But therein lies my problem... I can't stop caring! "

ELAshley, very wisely put. I don't think I've seen anything recently that has resonated more with me than the above statement.

I'm not surprised this got a decent response from ER, it is a thoughtful and honest post, without personal attacks.

May 18, 2006 10:46 AM  

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