Pocket Full of Mumbles

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Thursday, March 01, 2007

More from the Unhinged

Joy Behar of The View...

"...I don't know what it’s going to take for people to really wake up and understand that they are liars and they are murderers. I’m sorry."

Elisabeth Hasselbeck responds...

"...I also feel as though some, you know, fringe liberals are taking this to a place where we're almost losing sight on the issue here."

And now the money quote...

Ms. Behar: "I don't consider myself a fringe liberal.... I don't even like the use of terminology like that, a fringe liberal. That's like name-calling." [emphasis mine]

Apparently she doesn't see the hypocrisy in that last statement. Nor, in the greater sense, does the Unhinged Liberal Left.

..::Read the full portion of transcript for full context::..


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