Can you find the salt shaker?
And why, Oh why would there be a salt shaker in the control room? Don't ask me, I only work there...

I thoroughly hate to be photographed-- I can't imagine why I allowed this one --but it's a personal perception thing. Just like a recording of your voice sounds completely alien to your own perception of how your voice should truly sound, so too are photographs. I look in the mirror everyday and this is NOT the man I see. I don't know who this guy is.

I thoroughly hate to be photographed-- I can't imagine why I allowed this one --but it's a personal perception thing. Just like a recording of your voice sounds completely alien to your own perception of how your voice should truly sound, so too are photographs. I look in the mirror everyday and this is NOT the man I see. I don't know who this guy is.
Bet you have to beat the chicks away with a stick, huh? ;-)
Personally, I no longer show up on film.
I have chosen to spare the Blogosphere from the burden of having my own image burned into the collective brain. (Thank me later.)
Maybe someday I will post a picture of my Wife instead. (Just to give everyone a treat.)
"Personally, I no longer show up on film"
Funny, tug. And somehow, I believe it...
Thanks for sharing, EL. I think it helps to see who we're talking to. Humanizes us a bit more.
I think Tug means he's turned vampire or somethin'.
EL, I imagined you with glasses and a full beard -- and, oh, this is funny: I wear glasses and a full beard. We see ourselves in our most able contenders.
Oh. The salt shaker is that small white cylinder to the left of the big doohickey over your keyboard.
I know what you mean! I don't picture myself how I really appear, nor does my voice sound like I perceive it.
Nah, ER...
I just don't let anyone take my picture anymore. (Thank me later...)
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