"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined."
--Patrick Henry
Pocket Full of Mumbles
What's done is done, and this puppy's done. Visit me over at Pearls & Lodestones

- ..::UPDATED::..
- Hell's Kitchen -J.D. Wallach
- The Invisible War -Chip Ingram
- No Country For Old Men -Cormac McCarthy
- The Last of the Mohicans -James Fenimore Cooper

- ..::UPDATED::..
- Eye of the Storm -Rodger Hodgson
- These Four Walls -Shawn Colvin
- The Innocent Age -Dan Fogelberg

...Conservation Club!
Help protect and own one
one of the world's oldest
and rarest trees...

- For the Record....
- One Thing That Truly Disturbs Me About Blogger...
- Per Request of Ms. Malkin...
- In Opposition VII
- Guilty Pleasures...
- "On the Contrary, when People are universally igno...
- Sons of Darkness, Sons of Light...
- Hear, Hear!!!
- Stream of Consciousness, River of Truths
- How's it Look in Your Neck of the Woods?

- Black & Right
- Boortz Nuze
- The Fair Tax
- News Busters
- Real Clear Politics
- Rush Limbaugh
- SciFi News
- Stop the ACLU!
- Stop the Republicans!
- World Net Daily
- World Wide Words
- WTVY News 4

- Ann Coulter
- Betsy's Page
- Casting Pearls...
- Daddio's Darkside
- Forgotten Prophets
- Important Stuff -- or not
- Kobayashi Maru
- Marshall Art's
- Michelle Malkin
- Never Knew it Could B Like This
- Thinking Out Loud
- Trucker Philosophy

- God and Science
- Reasons to Believe
- @ Large
- In the Garden
- Living Waters
- Oh, How I Love Jesus
- Jill Stanek-ProLife Pulse
- Rapture Ready
- Rapture Index
- Slice of Laodicea
- Stones Cry Out
- Voice of the Martyrs
- The Way of the Master
- Way of the Master-Radio
- What News from the Battlements?

Black= Mastered
Green= Learning
Orange= Struggling
Red= May never master but having fun
- Online Chord Finder
- -----
- A Million Parachutes
- The Lines of My Earth
- All Creatures
- Leader of the Band
- Big Love
- Scarborough Fair
This list is by no means comprehensive

So as men spoke law, they did unlaw.
A contemporary of William the Conquerer
So the means of law, liberty and freedom became the means of tyranny, lies and repression.-- a paraphrase of an nineteenth century British writer
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