One Thing That Truly Disturbs Me About Blogger...
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What's done is done, and this puppy's done. Visit me over at Pearls & Lodestones
[With Christianity] It is always possible to go back to true evangelical values, the peaceful character of Jesus as opposed to the deviation of the Church. None of the faults of the Church have their roots in the Gospel, Jesus is non-violent. Going back to Jesus is akin to forswear[ing] the exesses of the Church. To the contrary, going back to Mahomet reinforces hate and violence. Jesus is a master of love, Mahomet is a master of hatred. [...] Whereas Judaism and Christianity are religions whose rites spurn violence, by delegitimizing it, Islam is a religion that exalts violence and hatred in its everyday rites and sacred book.
"I am now in a catastrophic personal situation. Several death threats have been sent to me, and I have been sentenced to death by organizations of the al-Qaeda movement. [...] On the websites condemning me to death there is a map showing how to get to my house to kill me, they have my photo, the places where I work, the telephone numbers, and the death fatwa. [...] There is no safe place for me, I have to beg, two evenings here, two evenings there. [...] I am under the constant protection of the police. I must cancel all scheduled conferences. And the authorities urge me to keep moving. [...] All costs are at my own expense, including those of rents a month or two ahead, the costs of moving twice, legal expenses, etc.
"It's quite sad. I exercised my constitutional rights, and I am punished for it, even in the territory of the Republic. This affair is also an attack against national sovereignty – foreign rules, decided by criminally minded fanatics, punish me for having exercised a constitutional right, and I am subjected, even in France, to great injury."
"On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauchd in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders."
--Samuel Adams
After coalition forces overran Al Qaeda compounds in Afghanistan in late 2001, they seized thousands of pages of internal memoranda, records of strategy sessions and ethical debates, and military manuals, but not a single page devoted to the politics of Al Qaeda. Alone among Al Qaeda theorists, Naji briefly addresses whether jihadis are prepared to run a state should they succeed in toppling one. He quotes a colleague who posed the question "Assuming that we get rid of the apostate regimes today, who will take over the ministry of agriculture, trade, economics, etc.?" Beyond the simplistic notion of imposing a caliphate and establishing the rule of Islamic law, the leaders of the organization appear never to have thought about the most basic facts of government. What kind of economic model would they follow? How would they cope with unemployment, so rampant in the Muslim world? Where do they stand on the environment? Health care? The truth, as Naji essentially concedes, is that the radical Islamists have no interest in government; they are interested only in jihad.
[Emphasis mine]
"Al Qaeda drew up a feasible plan within a well-defined time frame. The plan was based on improving the Islamic jihadist action in quality and quantity and expanding it to include the entire world."Which is as follows...
--Fouad Hussein, Author of "Al-Zarqawi: the Second Generation of Al Qaeda"
Much has been made of the so-called "National Intelligence Estimate," a report prepared by several intelligence agencies in the federal government. The New York Times, always on the lookout for opportunities to leak classified information, recently selectively excerpted this secret document. In it was the explosive statement that the war in Iraq was causing more terrorism.
In response to this, President Bush ordered the report declassified. But there are a few things about this report that the Democrats and the media don't want you to know. For one, the report is outdated. It's based on data collected through only February... before two 500-pound bombs sent Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi to his meeting with Allah. Second, the report is based on a lot of ifs. It's written by analysts...people who get paid to sit around and think about these things. If you read what's been released, there's a lot of if this and if that and not many concrete recommendations.
There was, for instance, one "if" in the report that the Democrats and the Times don't seem to want to share with you. The report said that IF the United States prevails in Iraq, it will discourage Islamic terrorists and reduce the threat they present. Don't you think that's a pretty important part of this document?
But Democrats are having a field day with this. Wishing as they do for America's failure in Iraq, they welcome any confirmation of their strategy of surrender. But their premise is flawed. What they are essentially saying is that attacking and fighting back against the terrorists only makes them mad and creates more terrorists. Therefore, goes their reasoning, we simply should not fight back. We should just let Saddam Hussein go right on his merry way...creating biological and nuclear weapons and selling them to the highest bidder.
And then there's always the issue of what they would do differently. What is the Democrats' strategy? Aside from total surrender to Al-Qaeda, they don't have one. They didn't have one for 8 years during the Clinton Administration and they don't have one now. The only thing the American Left can offer as a solution to terrorism is appeasement.
--Neal Boortz
September 27, 2006
"When our enemy declares war on our God and His message, blaspheming His Son by saying He is the slave of Mohammed, it’s time for us to ask Him to unleash his anger at those who hate us for His name’s sake."
from Oh, how I love Jesus
1. "Hell, yeah, I'm drunk! What's it to you?"
2. "I'm gettin' there! What's it to ya?"
3. "Who wants to know? And why should I care?"
"Absolutely not! What I believe about God and heaven is absolutely the truth. It's everyone else that's mixed up!"No one believes they are deceived. The god they believe in is the only god; everyone else is a fakir, a fraud, and a lie from the devil himself. They can ALL defend their beliefs with pet scriptures, scientific facts and personal affirmations. And every one of them is willing to die for it.
"I will give them my son, that through His blood they might be restored unto me. It is MY blood that I shed for mankind. And because it is MY blood. I will allow no other path to reach the gates of heaven. For this is the path that I have ordained from the foundation of the world."But Satan continues to whisper, "Yea, hath God said?" If all the many different religions in the world seem confusing to you, just remember that in God there is only clarity... Satan is the author of confusion.
Imprecatory prayer is a last resort appeal to God for justice. The so called 'curses' are simply the just penalty called for in the scriptures for the alleged crime. Imprecatory prayer is an appeal to the court of divine justice (1) for protection and (2) the appropriate punishment for the criminals.Interestingly enough, imprecatory prayer is not entirely unknown to me, as I have engaged in it in the past-- albeit unwittingly --in a post from October '05 entitled, An Exercise in Facetiousness. This is not to say imprecatory prayer is in any way facetious, only that the prayer which follows was written facetiously. Hmmm. Now that I get a good look at it, it's more praise for how God has already punished someone...Hmmm, but here it is nonetheless...
--from Imprecatory Prayer at
Glory be to God,
The most Holy God of Heaven!
The stamp of thy foot
Upon the lands of the infidel Muslims
Heartens your righteous servants,
The children of God, through
Christ our Lord!
Praise to God in the Highest!
Praise to Christ His son!
Let us not be faint in the presence of His spirit.
Let us smash the heathen Muslims
Who seek to destroy the faithful,
The true followers of God Almighty.
The only God, our Lord!
Your foot did stamp
And the mountains shook!
Your foot did stamp,
And the valleys quaked!
Your foot did stamp
And the people were crushed
Beneath thy righteous anger!
Let your righteous anger crush
The children of Satan
Let your righteous anger humble
The arrogance of Islam
Let your righteous anger chasten
The souls of the unrepentant
Let thy will be done!
God, our father, What a mighty blow
You have struck against our enemies!
Lead us to peace, Oh God
Lead us to righteousness
Where no evil dwells
Lead us to victory, Oh God
Against the Infidel Muslims!
Praise be to God!
Anyone who still thinks that there is some sort of higher ethical foundation at the United Nations will perhaps notice the bitter irony of having Ahmadinejad address the institution which he has played so skillfully while pursuing all the while the very goal that the UN supposedly has resolved Iran should not achieve.
--Betsy Newmark
"Adding to this dangerous clash of civilizations is the need by despots to have an enemy in order to escape accountability for failing to improve their own societies. This is true not only of despots in other lands-- today and in the past, but demagogues in our own."
--Cal Thomas
"You don't come into my country, you don't come into my congressional district, and you don't condemn my president!"
--Rep. Charlie Rangel to the press after Hugo Chavez's speech today in Harlem.
I want to express my extreme displeasure with statements by the President of Venezuela attacking U.S. President George Bush in such a personal and disparaging way during his remarks at the United Nations General Assembly.
It should be clear to all heads of government that criticism of Bush Administration policies, either domestic or foreign, does not entitle them to attack the President personally.
George Bush is the President of the United States and represents the entire country. Any demeaning public attack against him is viewed by Republicans and Democrats, and all Americans, as an attack on all of us.
I feel that I must speak out now since the Venezuelan government has been instrumental in providing oil at discounted prices to people in low income communities who have suffered increases in rent as heating oil prices have risen sharply. By offering this benefit to people in need, Venezuela has won many friends in poor communities of New York and other states. I am surprised that American oil companies have not stepped up to provide that kind of assistance to the poor.
Venezuela's generosity to the poor, however, should not be interpreted as license to attack President Bush. Those who take issue with Bush Administration policies have no right to attack him personally. It was not helpful when President Bush referred to certain nations as an "axis of evil." Neither is it helpful for a head of state to use the sacred halls of the United Nations to insult President Bush.